Semiconductor Devices, Diode, Silicon, Voltage Regulator, Types 1N4370A 1 through 1N4372A-1 and 1N746A-1 through 1N759A-1, 1N4370AUR-1 through 1N4372AUR-1 and 1N746AUR-1 through 1N759AUR-1
1N4370A 1至1N4372A-1和1N746A-1至1N759A-1、1N4370AUR-1至1N4372AUR-1和1N746AUR-1至1N759AUR-1型硅调压器半导体器件
MIL-PRF-19500/127X covers the performance requirements for 500 milliwatt, silicon, voltage regulator diodes with voltage tolerances of 5, 2, and 1 percent. Three levels of product assurance are provided for each encapsulated device type as specified in MIL-PRF-19500. Two levels of product assurance is provided for each unencapsulated device.