Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Capability detail specification: flexible printed boards without through-connections
电子元件质量评定协调体系规范 能力详细规范:无贯穿连接的柔性印制板
涉及单面和双面柔性印制板。结合BS EN 123400阅读交叉参考:BS 2011BS 4584BS 6221:第二部分BS EN ISO 1463BS EN ISO 3543BS EN 123000BS EN 123400ISO 3542IEC 326-2IEC 326-2ACEC 0010
Relates to single and double-sided flexible printed boards. To be read in conjunction with BS EN 123400Cross References:BS 2011BS 4584BS 6221:Part 2BS EN ISO 1463BS EN ISO 3543BS EN 123000BS EN 123400ISO 3542IEC 326-2IEC 326-2ACECC 0010