Explosive atmospheres - Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for
explosive atmospheres - Non electrical type of protection
constructional safety "c", control of ignition source "b", liquid
immersion "k"
结构安全“c” 控制点火源“b” 液体
ISO 80079-37:2016规定了在爆炸性环境中使用的非电气设备的设计和施工要求,这些设备受结构安全“c”、火源控制“b”和液体浸入“k”保护。ISO/IEC 80079的本部分补充和修改了ISO 80079-36中的要求。如果本标准的要求与ISO 80079-36的要求冲突,则以本标准的要求为准。防护类型“c”、“k”和“b”不适用于无额外防护措施的I组EPL Ma。
根据ISO 80079-36中的点火危险评估,本标准中描述的点火保护类型可以单独使用,也可以相互结合使用,以满足第一组、第二组和第三组设备的要求。关键词:施工安全“c”、火源“b”和液体浸入“k”的控制
ISO 80079-37:2016 specifies the requirements for the design and construction of non-electrical equipment, intended for use in explosive atmospheres, protected by the types of protection constructional safety "c", control of ignition source "b" and liquid immersion "k". This part of ISO/IEC 80079 supplements and modifies the requirements in ISO 80079-36. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with the requirement of ISO 80079-36 the requirement of this standard takes precedence. Types of protection "c", "k" and "b" are not applicable for Group I, EPL Ma without additional protective precautions. The types of ignition protection described in the standard can be used either on their own or in combination with each other to meet the requirements for equipment of Group I, Group II, and Group III depending on the ignition hazard assessment in ISO 80079-36. Keywords: constructional safety "c", control of ignition source "b" and liquid immersion "k"