BS ISO 17409:2015 specifies electric safety requirements for conductive connections of
electrically propelled road vehicles to an external electric power supply using a plug or vehicle inlet.It applies to electrically propelled road vehicles with voltage class B electric circuits. In general, it may
apply to motorcycles and mopeds if no dedicated standards for these vehicles exist.It applies only to vehicle power supply circuits. It applies also to dedicated power supply control
functions used for the connection of the vehicle to an external electric power supply.It does not provide requirements regarding the connection to a non-isolated d.c. charging station.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance, and repair
personnel.The requirements when the vehicle is not connected to the external electric power supply are specified
in ISO 6469-3.NOTE 1 This International Standard does not contain requirements for vehicle power supply circuits
using protection by class II or double/reinforced insulation but it is not the intention to exclude such vehicle
applications.NOTE 2 Requirements for EV supply equipment are specified in IEC 61851.Cross References:ISO 6469-1ISO 6469-3ISO 13849ISO 20653ISO 26262IEC 60309-1IEC 60309-2IEC 60364-4-43IEC 60364-5-54IEC 60364-6IEC 60664IEC 60884-1IEC 61851-1IEC 61851-23IEC 62196-1IEC 62196-2IEC 62196-3ISO/IEC 15118ISO 6469-2ISO 16750-4IEC 60038IEC 60364-5-52IEC 60950-1IEC 60990IEC 61557-2IEC/TS 62763All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.