Procurement of facility-related services. Code of practice
设施相关服务的采购 业务守则
BS 8572:2018为广泛的采购提供了建议和指导
实践可能会加强必须采取的方法。交叉引用:ISO 41012ISO 41011BS 8892:2014BS 10501ISO 41012BS ISO 20400BS EN 15221-7ISO 19600ISO 45001BS EN 31010BS ISO 31000BS EN ISO 14001:2015BS ISO 37500:2014BS 8300:2009+A1:2010BS EN ISO 9000:2015BS 8544:2013BS ISO 15392:2008BS ISO 26000:2010BS ISO 55001:2014BS 9999:2017BS 8536-1:2015BS ISO 15686-10:2010BS 8534:2011BS OHSAS 18001:2007所有当前修订在发布时可用。购买包括在本文件的购买中。
BS 8572:2018 gives recommendations and offers guidance for the procurement of a broad
range of services that are required to support the physical assets making up a facility and the needs
of users of that facility who are the ultimate recipients of the services, i.e. its end users. It covers both
new and existing facilities.This British Standard is applicable to organizations facing retendering of facility-related services and
those entering directly into the later stages of the procurement process, notably mobilization and
performance review.While this British Standard covers the procurement of facility-related services within the private
sector, it does not cover those areas of public sector procurement of facility-related services which
are subject to public procurement regulations. Notwithstanding, the standard indicates where certain
practices might strengthen the approach that has to be taken.Cross References:ISO 41012ISO 41011BS 8892:2014BS 10501ISO 41012BS ISO 20400BS EN 15221-7ISO 19600ISO 45001BS EN 31010BS ISO 31000BS EN ISO 14001:2015BS ISO 37500:2014BS 8300:2009+A1:2010BS EN ISO 9000:2015BS 8544:2013BS ISO 15392:2008BS ISO 26000:2010BS ISO 55001:2014BS 9999:2017BS 8536-1:2015BS ISO 15686-10:2010BS 8534:2011BS OHSAS 18001:2007All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.