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现行 ASTM D8166-22
Standard Test Method for Sizing and Counting Particulates in Middle Distillate Fuels and Biodiesel Blend (B6 to B20) Using Continuous Flow and Bottle Sampler Particle Contamination Monitors 使用连续流动和瓶式采样器颗粒污染监测器测定和计数中间馏分燃料和生物柴油混合物(B6至B20)中颗粒的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2022-10-01
1.1 本试验方法使用特定颗粒污染监测器(PCM)来计数和测量中间馏分燃料中分散的灰尘颗粒、水滴和其他颗粒的大小,总范围为4 μm至70 µm和尺寸带 ≥ 4. 微米, ≥ 6. μm, ≥ 14 μm,以及 ≥ 30 微米。 注1: 本试验方法中使用的术语颗粒污染监测器与ISO 21018-4中定义的术语相同;一种自动测量悬浮在特定尺寸流体中的颗粒浓度的仪器,不能根据ISO 11171进行校准,其输出可以是有限尺寸的颗粒尺寸分布或污染代码。 1.2 本试验方法仅具有中期重复性精度,见第节 14 了解更多信息。 注2: 本试验方法范围内的ASTM规范燃料包括规范: 第975页 , 1655美元 , 第3699页 , 第7467页 、MIL-DTL-83133、MIL-TTL-5624和蒸馏等级为 D396天 和 1880美元 . 注3: 在本试验方法中,水滴被计数为颗粒,团聚颗粒被检测并计数为单个较大颗粒。污垢包括微生物微粒。尽管测量了颗粒的投影面积,但在本试验方法中,该投影面积表示为圆的直径。 探测器无法区分污垢和水颗粒。 注4: 本试验方法可用于粒径小于等于70的条带 μm,但仅针对尺寸带确定了临时重复性 ≥ 4. μm, ≥ 6. μm,以及 ≥ 14 微米。所有测量值均为每毫升计数。 1.3 以国际单位表示的数值视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.4 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验方法用于实验室或现场评估馏分燃料和液体生物燃料(如生物柴油和柴油混合物)的清洁度。 此特定测试方法和精度声明适用于离线分析。 注5: 这些PCM也可用于高压在线应用,但在线应用的重复性(r)和再现性(r)尚未确定。 5.2 颗粒物计数的增加可指示燃料状况的变化,例如由储存或运输期间的污染引起的变化。如规范所述,储存期间微粒形成的潜在原因可能是“燃料降解产物” 第975页 ,附录X3。 5.3 高水平的颗粒会导致过滤器堵塞(尤其是当颗粒尺寸接近过滤器孔隙率等级时),并对泵、喷油器、活塞和其他运动部件的寿命产生严重影响。与冶金相关的粒度知识可以提供重要信息,尤其是当颗粒的硬度也从其他来源得知时。 5.4 本试验方法规定了报告粒度带测量值的最低要求( 1.2.1款 ). 某些特定应用可能需要在其他粒度带进行测量。 用户应仔细解释测试中的颗粒计数,因为它可能会因水滴和硬污垢颗粒的计数而导致研磨损坏或过滤器堵塞的风险。 5.5 在要求设备校准完全符合ISO 11171《试验方法》的情况下 第7619页 可以使用IP 565或IP 577。
1.1 This test method uses specific particle contamination monitors (PCMs) to count and measure the size of dispersed dirt particles, water droplets and other particulates, in middle distillate fuel, in the overall range from 4 µm to 70 µm and in the size bands ≥ 4 µm, ≥ 6 µm, ≥ 14 µm, and ≥ 30 µm. Note 1: The term particle contamination monitor, as used in this test method, is the same as that defined in ISO 21018-4; an instrument that automatically measures the concentrations of particles suspended in a fluid at certain sizes and cannot be calibrated in accordance with ISO 11171 whose output may be as a particle size distribution at limited sizes or as a contamination code. 1.2 This test method has interim repeatability precision only, see Section 14 for more information. Note 2: ASTM specification fuels falling within the scope of this test method include Specifications: D975 , D1655 , D3699 , D7467 , MIL-DTL-83133, MIL-DTL-5624, and distillate grades of D396 and D2880 . Note 3: For the purposes of this test method, water droplets are counted as particles, and agglomerated particles are detected and counted as a single larger particle. Dirt includes microbial particulates. Although the projected area of a particle is measured, this is expressed as the diameter of a circle for the purposes of this test method. The detector is unable to distinguish between dirt and water particles. Note 4: This test method may be used for particle sizes bands up to 70 µm, however the interim repeatability has only been determined for the size bands ≥ 4 µm, ≥ 6 µm, and ≥ 14 µm. All measurements are counts per millilitre. 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method is intended for use in the laboratory or in the field to evaluate the cleanliness of distillate fuels, and liquid biofuels, such as biodiesel and diesel blends. This specific test method and the precision statement applies to off-line analysis. Note 5: These PCMs can be used for high pressure on-line applications as well, however the repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) for on-line application were not established. 5.2 An increase in particulate counts can indicate a change in the fuel condition caused for example by contamination during storage or transfer. Potential causes of particulates formation during storage could be “fuel-degradation products,” as described in Specification D975 , Appendix X3. 5.3 High levels of particles can cause filter blockages (especially when the particles are close in size to the filter porosity rating) and have a serious impact on the life of pumps, injectors, pistons, and other moving parts. Knowledge of particle size in relation to the metallurgy can provide vital information, especially if the hardness of particles is also known from other sources. 5.4 This test method specifies a minimum requirement for reporting measurements in particle size bands ( A1.2.1 ). Some specific applications may require measurements in other particle size bands. The particle count from the test should be carefully interpreted by the user as it can potentially over-state risk of abrasive damage or filter blocking due to counting water droplets as well as hard dirt particles. 5.5 In situations where there is a requirement for the calibration of the apparatus to be solely in accordance with ISO 11171, Test Methods D7619 , IP 565, or IP 577 may be used.
归口单位: D02.14
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