Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement, interpretation and extent2.Amendment of the principal Regulations3.General eligibility for membership: employees of Scheme employersetc.4.Further restrictions on eligibility5.Periods of membership: “total membership”6.Meaning of “pay”7.General qualification for benefits8.Calculations9.Final Pay10.Ill-health11.Amounts of ill-health pension and grant12.Re-employed pensioners13.Re-employed and rejoining deferred members14.Concurrent employments15.Guaranteed minimum pensions etc.16.Surviving spouse’s long-term pension17.Dependants of re-employed pensioners18.Power of employing authority to increase total membership19.Elections as to use of accumulated value of AVCs20.Funding strategy statement21.Actuarial valuations and certificates22.Employer’s further payments23.Interest24.Discontinuance of additional contributions25.Rights to return of contributions26.Exclusion of rights to return of contributions27.Notification of decisions under regulation 9728.Appropriate administering authorities29.Right to apply to person to decide the disagreement30.Notice of decisions under regulation 10031.Reference of disagreement to the appropriate administering authority32.Notice of decisions under regulation 10233.Annual benefit statements34.Liability for combined benefits35.Members employed by magistrates' courts committees36.Conversion of periods credited under Discretionary Payments Regulations etc. into membership37.Scheme employers38.Revenue restrictions39.Appropriate funds40.Certain City of London employees and former contributors41.Councillor members42.Transitional provisions43.Right to opt outSignatureExplanatory Note