BS ISO 37101:2016 establishes requirements for a management system for sustainable
development in communities, including cities, using a holistic approach, with a view to ensuring
consistency with the sustainable development policy of communities.NOTE 1 Cities have become essential actors for sustainable development at local, national and international
levels over the last century, due to the pressure of unprecedented urbanization.The intended outcomes of a management system for sustainable development in communities include:managing sustainability and fostering smartness and resilience in communities, while taking into
account the territorial boundaries to which it applies;improving the contribution of communities to sustainable development outcomes;assessing the performance of communities in progressing towards sustainable development
outcomes and the level of smartness and of resilience that they have achieved;fulfilling compliance obligations.NOTE 2 Smartness and resilience are embedded in the process of sustainable development: sustainable
development is the overarching process, while smartness and resilience are characteristics.This International Standard is intended to help communities become more resilient, smart and
sustainable, through the implementation of strategies, programmes, projects, plans and services, and
demonstrate and communicate their achievements.This International Standard is intended to be implemented by an organization designated by a
community to establish the organizational framework and to provide the resources necessary to
support the management of environmental, economic and social performance outcomes. A community
that chooses to establish the organizational framework by itself is considered to constitute an
organization as defined in this International Standard.This International Standard is applicable to communities of all sizes, structures and types, in developed
or developing countries, at local, regional or national levels, and in defined urban or rural areas, at their
respective level of responsibility.This International Standard can be used in whole or in part to improve the management of sustainable
development in communities. Claims of conformity to this International Standard, however, are not
acceptable unless all its requirements are incorporated into an organization's management system for
sustainable development in communities and fulfilled without exclusion.Cross References:ISO 9001ISO 10795ISO 13065:2015ISO 14001:2015ISO 14046ISO 14064-1:2006ISO 15392:2008ISO 18091ISO 19011ISO 20121ISO 22316ISO 26000:2010ISO 31000ISO 37120:2014ISO/TR 37121ISO/TR 37150:2014ISO/TS 37151:2015ISO 45001ISO 50001BS 8904All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.