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现行 ASTM D6284-17(2023)
Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Aqueous Solutions with Available Chlorine and Chloramine 橡胶性能的标准试验方法——有效氯和氯胺水溶液的影响
发布日期: 2023-06-15
1.1 本试验方法涵盖了评估橡胶和橡胶类材料承受有效氯和氯胺水溶液影响的能力的程序。它旨在比较由于消毒程序而存在于饮用水中的氯化合物对橡胶制品的影响。 1.2 测试溶液设计为含有氯化合物,包括次氯酸(HOCl)、次氯酸离子(OCl)和一氯胺(NH 2. Cl)。 1.3 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准。本标准中不包括其他计量单位。 1.4 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ===意义和用途====== 5.1 橡胶制品,如密封件、垫圈和隔膜,在使用中可能会暴露在饮用水中用作消毒剂的氯化合物中。暴露可以是间歇性的或连续的,并且可以在各种温度下发生。 5.2 橡胶制品的性能可能会因为暴露在含有这些氯化合物的水中而恶化,从而影响其预期用途的性能。 5.3 该测试方法试图通过受控加速测试来模拟使用条件,但可能无法与实际使用条件下的零件性能直接相关。 它产生的比较数据可作为对预期服务质量作出判断的依据。 5.4 该测试方法适用于合规性测试、质量控制和研发工作。
1.1 This test method covers procedures for evaluating the ability of rubber and rubber-like materials to withstand the effects of aqueous solutions with available chlorine and chloramine. It is intended to compare the effects of chlorine compounds, present in potable water due to disinfection procedures, on rubber articles. 1.2 Test solutions are designed to contain chlorine compounds, including hypochlorous acid (HOCl), hypochlorite ions (OCl), and monochloramine (NH 2 Cl). 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Rubber articles, such as seals, gaskets, and membranes, may be exposed in service to chlorine compounds used in potable water as disinfectants. The exposure may be intermittent or continuous and can occur at various temperatures. 5.2 Properties of rubber articles can deteriorate as a result of exposure to water containing these chlorine compounds, affecting their performance for the intended use. 5.3 This test method attempts to simulate service conditions through controlled accelerated testing, but may not give a direct correlation with part performance under actual service conditions. It yields comparative data on which to base judgement on expected service quality. 5.4 This test method is suitable for compliance testing, quality control, and research and development work.
归口单位: D11.40