Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Preparation of test portions from the laboratory sample for testing of release and analysis of content
建筑产品:危险物质释放的评估 从实验室样品中制备试验部分 用于释放试验和含量分析
BS EN 17087:2019 is applicable for the preparation of representative test portions from the laboratory
sample that has been taken as specified in respective product standards and in CEN/TR 16220, prior to
testing of release and analysis of content of construction products.Cross References:ISO 14507:2003EN ISO 12846ISO 11465EN 14039EN ISO 10523EN 15934CEN/TR 16220ISO 10304-1ISO 10382ISO 12846ISO 17378-2EN 932-2ISO 10523CEN/TS 16637-3ISO 13859EN 15936EN ISO 10304-1CEN/TR 15310-1EN 15169CEN/TS 16637-2CEN/TS 17200:2018CEN/TS 17197:2018ISO 16000-6:2011CEN/TS 17196:2018EN 15002:2015EN 16687:2015All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.