Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Analysis of organic substances in eluates
建筑产品:危险物质释放的评估 洗脱液中有机物的分析
应用方法的选择基于产品矩阵和所需的灵敏度。交叉引用:EN ISO 9377-2ISO 28540EN 16694EN ISO 10523EN 27888EN ISO 15680ISO 17858EN 12673CEN/TS 16637-2EN ISO 14402EN 15637-EN 1484ISO 20595ISO 18073EN ISO 18856EN ISO 18857-2CEN/TS 16637-3EN ISO 5667-3EN 14207EN 16687:2015EN ISO 17294-
1:2006EN 71-11CEN/TR 16220ISO 5725-4DIN 38407-35CEN/TR 16045ISO 5725-2ISO 5725-6ISO 5725-3ISO 5725-5EN ISO 15913EN ISO 9562ISO/TS 13530ISO 5725-1DIN 38407-36EN 16192CEN/TS 16637-1EN ISO/IEC 17025EN ISO 17353购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
This document specifies existing methods for the determination of specific organic substances in aqueous eluates from leaching of construction products.
The following parameters are covered: pH, electrical conductivity, biocides, bisphenol A, BTEX, dioxins and furans, DOC, epichlorohydrin, mineral oil, nonylphenols, PAH, PBDE, PCB, dioxin-like PCB, PCP, phenols and phthalates.
NOTE 1 Methods still under development or available at national level only are listed in Annex B for certain amines, AOX, and biocidal and plant protection products.
NOTE 2 Methods that have not been validated for aqueous eluates from leaching of construction products, because no suitable material was available at the time of the robustness validation, only are listed in Annex B. This applies to organotin compounds.
The methods in this document come from different fields, mainly the analysis of water, and are applicable for the eluates from construction products. They are validated for eluates of the product types listed in Annex A.
NOTE 3 Construction products include, e.g. mineral-based products, bituminous products, wood-based products, polymer-based products and metals. This document includes analytical methods for all matrices except metals.
The selection of the method to be applied is based on the product matrix and the required sensitivity.Cross References:EN ISO 9377-2ISO 28540EN 16694EN ISO 10523EN 27888EN ISO 15680ISO 17858EN 12673CEN/TS 16637-2EN ISO 14402EN 15637EN 1484ISO 20595ISO 18073EN ISO 18856EN ISO 18857-2CEN/TS 16637-3EN ISO 5667-3EN 14207EN 16687:2015EN ISO 17294-1:2006EN 71-11CEN/TR 16220ISO 5725-4DIN 38407-35CEN/TR 16045ISO 5725-2ISO 5725-6ISO 5725-3ISO 5725-5EN ISO 15913EN ISO 9562ISO/TS 13530ISO 5725-1DIN 38407-36EN 16192CEN/TS 16637-1EN ISO/IEC 17025EN ISO 17353All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.