This document establishes single sampling plans for conformance testing, i.e., for assessing whether
the quality level of a relevant audit population (lot, process, inventory, file etc) conforms to a declared
value. Sampling plans are provided corresponding to four levels of discriminatory ability. The limiting
quality ratio (LQR) (see Clause 4) of each sampling plan is given for reference. For levels I-III, the
sampling plans have been devised so as to obtain a risk no more than 5 % of contradicting a correct
declared quality level. The risk of failing to contradict an incorrectly declared quality level which is
related to the LQR is no more than 10 %. The sample sizes for level 0 are designed in a way that the LQR
factors of the sampling plans are compatible with the LQR factors for level I.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.