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现行 AWWA ACE94157
Enhanced Lime Softening for Removal of Disinfection By-Product Precursors 强化石灰软化去除消毒副产品前体
发布日期: 1994-01-01
本研究的目的是为了更好地了解通过强化软化去除消毒副产品前体(DBPP),以帮助水厂遵守现有和拟议的SDWA法规。具体目标是:确定可通过增强软化来改善前体去除的程度,特别注意增加石灰用量、添加助凝剂和预凝的效果;评估原水、在正常(未增强或基线)条件下处理的水和在增强软化条件下处理的水之间DBP形成潜力的差异; 比较强化石灰软化和强化混凝去除不同特性水源水中DBPPs的性能;识别和评估与强化石灰软化相关的效益、成本和潜在问题;并将台架试验和全尺寸软化装置的DBPP去除率进行比较。
The purpose of this research is to develop a better understanding of disinfection byproduct precursor (DBPP) removal by enhanced softening to assist water utilities in complying with existing and proposed SDWA regulation. Specific objectives are to: determine the degree of improvement in precursor removal that can be achieved by enhanced softening, with special attention to the effectiveness of increasing lime dosage, addition of coagulant aids, and precoagulation; evaluate differences in DBP formation potential among raw water, water treated under normal (unenhanced or baseline) conditions, and water treated under enhanced softening conditions; compare the performance of enhanced lime softening and enhanced coagulation for removing DBPPs from source waters having differing characteristics; identify and evaluate benefits, costs, and potential problems associated with enhanced lime softening; and compare the DBPP removals achieved by bench-scale tests with those of full-scale softening plants.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会