Capacitor, Chip, Multiple Layer, Fixed Ceramic Dielectric, Established Reliability and Non-Established Reliability, General Specification for
片式多层固定陶瓷电介质电容器 既有可靠性和非既有可靠性 通用规范
This specification covers the general requirements for non-established reliability (non-ER) and established reliability (ER), ceramic dielectric, multiple layer, chip capacitors. ER capacitors covered by this specification have failure rate levels (FRL) ranging from 1.0 percent to 0.001 percent per 1,000 hours. These FRLs are established at a 90-percent confidence level and maintained at a 10 percent producer's risk and are based on life tests performed at maximum rated voltage at maximum rated temperature. An acceleration factor of 8:1 has been used to relate life test data obtained at 200 percent of rated voltage at maximum rated temperature, to rated voltage at rated temperature.