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现行 ISO 15243:2017
Rolling bearings — Damage and failures — Terms, characteristics and causes 滚动轴承 - 损坏和故障 - 条款 特点和原因
发布日期: 2017-04-10
ISO 15243:2017对标准轴承钢制成的滚动轴承在使用中出现的不同故障模式进行了分类。对于每个故障模式,它定义并描述了故障的特征、外观和可能的根本原因。它将有助于根据外观识别故障模式。 在本文件中,解释了以下术语: -滚动轴承故障:导致轴承无法达到预期设计性能或使用寿命终止的损坏; -使用中:轴承离开制造商工厂后; -可见特征:可以直接观察或使用放大镜或光学显微镜观察的特征,也可以从图片中观察,但只能使用非破坏性方法。 考虑的范围仅限于外观变化的特征形式,以及影响良好的故障- 明确的外观,可高度肯定地归因于特定原因。描述了用于解释更改和故障的特别有趣的特征。照片显示了各种形式,并指出了最常见的原因。 如果无法根据本文件中的信息通过检查和描述视觉特征来可靠地评估根本原因,则应考虑进行额外的调查。这些方法在A.3中进行了总结,例如,可能涉及使用侵入性方法,可能包括横截面的获取、通过视觉和电子显微镜进行的冶金结构分析、化学和光谱分析。这些特殊方法不在本文件范围内。 建议一般使用子条款标题中显示的故障模式术语。 在适当的情况下,A.4中给出并解释了用于描述子模式的替代表达式或同义词。 A.2中给出了滚动轴承故障的示例,以及故障原因和建议纠正措施的说明。
ISO 15243:2017 classifies different modes of failure occurring in service for rolling bearings made of standard bearing steels. For each failure mode, it defines and describes the characteristics, appearance and possible root causes of failure. It will assist in the identification of failure modes based on appearance. For the purposes of this document, the following terms are explained: - failure of a rolling bearing: the result of a damage that prevents the bearing meeting the intended design performance or marks the end of service life; - in service: as soon as the bearing has left the manufacturer's factory; - visible features: those that are possible to observe directly or with magnifiers or optical microscopes, also those from pictures, but only with the use of non-destructive methods. Consideration is restricted to characteristic forms of change in appearance and failure that have well-defined appearance and which can be attributed to particular causes with a high degree of certainty. The features of particular interest for explaining changes and failures are described. The various forms are illustrated with photographs and the most frequent causes are indicated. If the root cause cannot be reliably assessed by the examination and characterization of visual features against the information in this document, then additional investigations are to be considered. These methods are summarized in A.3 and may involve, for example, the use of invasive methods possibly including taking of cross sections, metallurgical structural analysis by visual and electronic microscopes, chemical and spectrographic analysis. These specialized methods are outside the scope of this document. The failure mode terms shown in the subclause titles are recommended for general use. Where appropriate, alternative expressions or synonyms used to describe the submodes are given and explained in A.4. Examples of rolling bearing failures are given in A.2, together with a description of the causes of failure and proposed corrective actions.
归口单位: ISO/TC 4/SC 4