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现行 IEEE N42.20-2003
American Standard Performance Criteria for Active Personnel Radiation Monitors 现役人员辐射监测器的美国标准性能标准
发布日期: 2004-02-02
本标准适用于以下类型的有源电子设备,这些设备佩戴在躯干上,用于测量外部辐射源的个人剂量当量或剂量当量率。剂量计的类型包括设计用于测量1-X型、伽马型和高能β辐射2型、中子辐射3-X型、伽马型、高能β辐射和中子辐射(即总剂量)的剂量计。 本标准规定了个人电子剂量监测器和相关读出系统(如果提供)的设计和性能标准。它适用于用于测量光子辐射(x射线)的个人剂量当量(速率)的设备- 射线和伽马射线),能量为50千电子伏至1.5兆电子伏,最大能量大于2.0兆电子伏的β辐射,热能的中子辐射约为15兆电子伏。
This standard applies to the following types of active electronic devices that are worn on the trunk of the body for the purpose of measuring the personal dose equivalent, or the dose equivalent rate, from external sources of radiation. The types of dosimeters include those designed for measuring Type 1-X, gamma, and high-energy beta radiation Type 2-Neutron radiation Type 3-X, gamma, high-energy beta, and neutron radiation (i.e., total dose). The standard specifies the design and performance criteria for the personal electronic dose monitors and, if supplied, the associated readout system. It applies to devices used for the measurement of the personal dose equivalent (rate) from photon radiations (x-rays and gamma-rays) of energies 50 keV to 1.5 MeV, beta radiation of maximum energies greater than 2.0 MeV, neutron radiation from thermal energies to approximately 15 MeV.