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现行 ISO/PAS 50010:2023
Energy management and energy savings — Guidance for net zero energy in operations using an ISO 50001 energy management system 能源管理和节能.使用ISO 50001能源管理系统运行中的净零能源指南
发布日期: 2023-01-04
本文件提供了符合ISO标准的能源管理系统(EnMS)使用指南?50001:2018实现净零能耗(NZE),并支持实现净零碳(NZC)和其他可持续发展目标。它描述了如何建立增强型EnMS,旨在实现: A)?基于NZE原则改进运营和维护实践; b)?将可再生能源整合到运营和维护中; c)?规划实施NZE和NZC的设施、系统、设备或流程。 本文件不适用于技术、设计或施工。由于各国的区域条件不同,NZE或NZC的被动、主动或可再生能源技术规范也不包括在内。

This document gives guidance on the use of an energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with ISO 50001:2018 to achieve net zero energy (NZE), and supports the achievement of net zero carbon (NZC) and other sustainability goals. It describes how to establish an enhanced EnMS designed to achieve:

a)       improvement of operational and maintenance practices based on NZE principles;

b)       integration of renewable energy into operations and maintenance;

c)        planning for facilities, systems, equipment or processes to implement NZE and NZC.

This document does not apply to technologies, design or construction. The technical specification of passive, active or renewable energy for NZE or NZC is also not included because of different regional conditions by countries.

发布单位或类别: 国际组织-国际标准化组织
归口单位: ISO/TC 301