Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of equipment used by workers with limits on exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz), when put into service or in situ
证明工人使用的设备在投入使用或现场使用时符合电磁场(0 Hz-300 GHz)暴露极限的通用标准
The object of BS EN 50664:2017 is to provide a route for evaluation of equipment used by workers against
limits on human exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and induced and contact current
when it is put into service in its operational environment, and also for in situ or post-market evaluation of
such equipment.The frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz.This standard applies to equipment for which no dedicated harmonized putting-into-service or in situ product
standard regarding worker exposure to electromagnetic fields exists. If such a standard does exist then it
should be used. At the time of writing there is one applicable standard, for base station equipment, and this
should be used for putting-into service or in situ assessment of such equipment with respect to worker
exposure to electromagnetic fields:EN 50401:2017. Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of base station equipment with
radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure limits (110 MHz - 100 GHz), when put into serviceThe current list of standards harmonized under each Directive should be consulted at the time of use of this
standard.Cross References:EN 62311(IEC 62311:2007Mod) ASEN 50499:2008IEC 62311:2007All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.