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现行 SD-95-09-2
Design of Multi-Coil Run-Around Heat Exchanger Systems for Ventilation Air Heating and Cooling 通风空调多盘管绕流换热器系统的设计
本研究的目的是设计和模拟从寒冷天气热回收到高温天气高冷负荷运行的各种运行条件下的多线圈绕线系统。已经开发了一个计算机程序来模拟绕线式热回收系统中的任意数量的供风和排风盘管。通过模拟,可以根据每个盘管的已知物理参数、送风和排风流量、进气温度和湿度水平以及进气-排气温度和湿度水平,对绕线系统进行评级。模拟程序以两种不同的方式使用——它可以用于特定的系统,通过使用每小时的天气文件来确定每年的成本和节省; 并根据系统的生命周期成本确定最小目标函数,以选择运行系统的设计参数。每年的模拟使用每小时的天气数据来确定每小时的运营成本和节约、所有液体和空气温度以及系统中的压降。结果表明,两盘管优化系统的性能与四盘管优化绕车系统的性能基本相同,总空气流量与两盘管系统相同。对于所研究的典型建筑应用,优化系统的寿命周期成本比原始安装运行的寿命周期成本低13%- 围绕系统。使用蒸发冷却,优化系统的寿命周期成本比原来安装的系统低24%。对于所有分析的热回收系统,回收期不到3.4年。关键词:1995年,设计、绕线盘管、热交换器、换气率、现代化、热回收、计算机程序、计算、评级、性能、回收期、空气流量、使用寿命、成本、经济性、尺寸、优化、比较引文:研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1995年,第101卷,第2部分
It is the objective of this investigation to design and simulate multiple-coil run-around systems under a wide range of operating conditions from cold weather heat recovery to hot weather operation with high cooling loads. A computer program has been developed to simulate any number of supply and exhaust coils in a run-around heat recovery system. The simulation enables the rating of a run-around system based on known physical parameters of each coil, the supply and exhaust air flow rates, inlet supply air temperature and humidity levels, and inlet exhaust air temperature and humidity levels. The simulation program is used in two different manners - it can be used for a specified system, to determine yearly costs and savings by using hourly weather files; and to determine the least objective function based on the life-cycle cost of the system to select design parameters for the run-around system. The yearly simulation uses hourly weather data to determine hourly operating costs and savings, all liquid and air temperatures, and pressure drops in the system. The results show that the performance of an optimised system with two coils is basically the same as the performance of a four coil optimised run-around system with the same total air flows as the two coil system. For the typical building application studied, the life-cycle cost of the optimised systems is 13% less than the life-cycle cost of an original installed run-around system. With evaporative cooling, the life-cycle cost of an optimised system is 24% less than that of the original installed system. For all the heat recovery systems analysed, the payback period is less than 3.4 years.KEYWORDS: year 1995, designing, run around coils, heat exchangers, air change rate, modernising, heat recovery, computer programs, calculating, rating, performance, payback period, air flow rate, service life, costs, economics, sizing, optimisation, comparing
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类