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现行 SD-95-09-3
Integrating Run-Around Heat Exchanger Systems Into the Design of Large Office Buildings 将循环换热器系统集成到大型办公楼的设计中
本文研究了一座典型的大型办公楼使用循环换热器系统对能源使用和能源寿命周期成本的影响。循环换热器系统用于预热和预冷送风室外空气。使用DOE-2.1D程序研究了使用绕线系统的建筑物的性能。为了模拟建筑系统和绕行系统,DOE-2.1中加入了一个能够准确模拟绕行系统的现有计算机程序。还进行了一项调查,以确定在不增加建筑能耗(或能源成本)的情况下,绕线式热交换器系统允许的最大室外空气通风率。模拟在芝加哥、丹佛、埃德蒙顿和沃思堡进行。结果表明,相比于未运行的建筑,其能耗性能- 在系统周围,在办公楼中使用循环换热器系统可分别将年电能消耗、天然气消耗和总能源成本降低3.5%、40.7%和4.8%。锅炉和冷却器的尺寸可分别减少32.6%和8%。研究还发现,通过使用绕行系统,与ASHRAE标准62-1989要求的最低通风率相比,进入建筑物的通风率可以增加数百%,而不会增加能源成本。关键词:1995年,绕线盘管、热交换器、办公室、节能、使用寿命、成本、经济性、预热、送风通风、性能、计算机程序、计算、换气率、能耗、耗电量、天然气、耗气量、建筑、优化、锅炉、制冷机、尺寸、回收期引用: 研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1995年,第101卷,第2部分
The effect of using run-around heat exchanger systems on energy use and the energy life-cycle cost of a typical large office building has been investigated. The run-around heat exchanger system was used for both preheating and precooling the supply ventilation outdoor air. The performance of the building using run-around systems was studied using the DOE-2.1D program. In order to simulate both the building systems and the run-around systems, an existing computer program that can accurately simulate a run-around system was incorporated into DOE-2.1. An investigation was also conducted to determine the maximum outdoor air ventilation rate a run-around heat exchanger system allows without any increase in energy use (or energy cost) for the building. The simulations were conducted for Chicago, Denver, Edmonton, and Fort Worth. The results show that, compared to the energy performance of the building without the run-around systems, the use of run-around heat exchanger systems in the office building can reduce annual electrical energy consumption, natural gas consumption, and total energy costs by up to 3.5%, 40.7%, and 4.8%, respectively. Boiler and chiller sizes can be reduced by up to 32.6% and 8%, respectively. It was also found that, through the use of run-around systems, the ventilation rate into the building can be increased by several hundred percent compared to the minimum rate required by ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, without increasing energy costs.KEYWORDS: year 1995, run around coils, heat exchangers, offices, energy conservation, service life, costs, economics, preheating, supply air ventilation, performance, computer programs, calculating, air change rate, energy consumption, electricity consumption, natural gas, gas consumption, buildings, optimisation, boilers, chillers, sizing, payback period
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