BS EN 61800-7-202:2016 specifies profile type 2 (CIP Motion™) for Power Drive Systems (PDS).
Profile type 2 can be mapped onto different communication network technologies.The functions specified in this part of IEC 61800-7 are not intended to ensure functional
safety. This requires additional measures according to the relevant standards, agreements
and laws.Cross References:IEC 60204-1EN 60204-1IEC 61158-4-2:2014EN 61158-4-2:2014IEC 61158-5-2:2014EN 61158-5-2:2014IEC 61158-6-2:2014EN 61158-6-2:2014IEC 61588:2009IEC 61800-7-1:2015EN 61800-7-1:2016IEEE 112:2004IEC 61131-3EN 61131-3IEC 61158EN 61158IEC 61158-2:2014EN 61158-2:2014IEC 61158-3-2:2014EN 61158-3-2:2014IEC 61499-1:2005EN 61499-1:2005IEC 61784-1:2014EN 61784-1:2014IEC 61784-2:2014EN 61784-2:2014IEC 61800EN 61800IEC 61800-7EN 61800-7IEC 61800-7-201EN 61800-7-201IEC 61800-7-203EN 61800-7-203IEC 61800-7-204EN 61800-7-204IEC 61800-7-301EN 61800-7-301IEC 61800-7-302EN 61800-7-302IEC 61800-7-303EN 61800-7-303IEC 61800-7-304EN 61800-7-304IEC 62026-3EN 62026-3IEC 60050-351:2013IEC TR 62390:2005ISO/IEC 2382-15:1999ISO/IEC 19501ISO 15745-1:2003EN 50325-4IETF RFC 768IETF RFC 793Replaces BS EN 61800-7-202:2008 which remains currentAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.