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现行 ISO 23274-2:2021
Hybrid-electric road vehicles — Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption measurements — Part 2: Externally chargeable vehicles 混合动力道路车辆.废气排放和燃油消耗测量.第2部分:外部充电车辆
发布日期: 2021-09-08
本文件规定了底盘测功机测试程序,以确定电荷耗尽状态(CD)的结束和CD状态期间消耗的电能。 CD状态结束的识别是确定废气排放和燃料消耗的程序的重要步骤。废气排放和燃料消耗的最终测定不包括在本文件中。 本文件适用于具有以下特性的车辆。 —?车辆是混合动力电动道路车辆(HEV),其具有内燃机(ICE)和车载可充电能量存储系统(RESS),用于车辆推进,所述车载可充电能量存储系统由外部电源供应电能。 —?CD状态之后是电荷-维持(CS)状态,其中燃料能量被消耗以维持RESS的电能。 —?只有电池被认为是车辆的RESS。 —?除非通过再生制动和/或通过经由ICE驱动的发电操作,否则RESS不会在驾驶时充电。 —?不包括用于调节RESS的外部费用。 笔记?1?无轨电车和太阳能汽车不在范围内。 —?根据相关地区适用驾驶测试(ADT)标准的定义,车辆被归类为乘用车或轻型卡车。 —?对于ICE,仅使用液体燃料(例如,汽油和柴油燃料)。 笔记?2?对于使用其他燃料【例如压缩天然气(CNG)、氢气(H2)】的ICE车辆,除消耗燃料的测量外,本文件可适用;否则,可以应用使用相应燃料的测量方法。 —?RESS的标称能量至少为2?ADT消耗的燃料总能量的百分比
This document specifies a chassis dynamometer test procedure to determine the end of the charge-depleting state (CD) and consumed electric energy during CD state. The identification of the end of the CD state is an important step for procedures to determine exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Final determination of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption is not included in this document. This document applies to vehicles with the following characteristics. —    The vehicles are hybrid-electric road vehicles (HEV) with an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an on-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) for vehicle propulsion which is supplied with electric energy from an external electric power source. —    A CD state, in which the electric energy in the RESS from an external electric power source is consumed, is followed by a charge-sustaining (CS) state in which the fuel energy is consumed sustaining the electric energy of the RESS. —    Only batteries are assumed as the RESS of a vehicle. —    The RESS is not charged while driving unless by regenerative braking and/or by generative operation driven via the ICE. —    External charge for the purpose of conditioning of the RESS is not included. NOTE 1   Trolleybuses and solar powered vehicles are not included in the scope. —    The vehicle is classified as a passenger car or light duty truck, as defined in the relevant regional applicable driving test (ADT) standard. —    For the ICE, only liquid fuels (for example, gasoline and diesel fuel) are used. NOTE 2   In the case of vehicles with ICE using other fuel [for example, compressed natural gas (CNG), hydrogen (H2)], this document can apply except the measurement of consumed fuel; otherwise the measurement method for those using the corresponding fuel can apply. —    The nominal energy of the RESS is at least 2 % of the total energy of consumed fuel over an ADT
归口单位: ISO/TC 22/SC 37
KS R 0122
도로차량 — 충전형 하이브리드 전기자동차의 에너지 소모량 및 배출 가스 측정 방법
KS R 0122(2023 Confirm)
도로차량 — 충전형 하이브리드 전기자동차의 에너지 소모량 및 배출 가스 측정 방법
BS ISO 23274-2-2021
Hybrid-electric road vehicles. Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption measurements-Externally chargeable vehicles
混合动力电动道路车辆 废气排放和燃油消耗测量
GOST R ISO 23274-2013
Транспорт дорожный гибридно-электрический. Измерение выхлопных газов и потребления топлива. Транспортные средства, не использующие внешнюю подзарядку
混合电动公路车辆 废气排放和燃料消耗测量 非外部充电车辆
ISO 23274-1-2019
Hybrid-electric road vehicles — Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption measurements — Part 1: Non-externally chargeable vehicles
混合电动道路车辆 - 废气排放和燃油消耗量测量 - 第1部分:非外部可充电车辆
BS 06/30139600 DC
ISO 23274. Hybrid-electric road vehicles. Exhaust emmissions and fuel consumption measurements. Non externally chargeable vehicles
ISO 23274 混合动力电动道路车辆 排气排放和燃油消耗测量 非外部充电车辆
SAE J1711_202302
Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles, Including Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
Regulation No 101 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine only, or powered by a hybrid electric power train with regard to the measurement of the emission of carbon dioxide and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range, and of categories M 1 and N 1 vehicles powered by
联合国欧洲经济委员会(UN/ECE)第101号条例——关于批准仅由内燃机驱动的乘用车的统一规定 或由混合动力传动系驱动 以测量二氧化碳排放量和燃油消耗量和/或测量电能消耗量和电动里程 以及由
Regulation No 101 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine only, or powered by a hybrid electric power train with regard to the measurement of the emission of carbon dioxide and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range, and of categories M 1 and N 1 vehicles powered by
联合国欧洲经济委员会(UN/ECE)第101号条例——关于批准仅由内燃机驱动的乘用车的统一规定 或由混合动力传动系驱动 以测量二氧化碳排放量和燃油消耗量和/或测量电能消耗量和电动里程 以及由