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现行 RP-1645
Development of New Accelerated Corrosion Test(s) for All-Aluminum Microchannel and Tube and Fin Heat Exchangers 全铝微通道和管翅式换热器新型加速腐蚀试验的开发
全铝微通道和圆管板翅式热交换器的制造商使用各种各样的腐蚀试验,这些试验的评估参数、试验持续时间以及与实际现场条件的相关性各不相同。本研究的目的是研究腐蚀性大气(1)、合金冶金参数(2)和热交换器运行模式(3)的三个领域。之前的调查没有同时考虑这三个领域。具体而言,与热交换器合金的腐蚀和退化有关的热交换器占空比模式(领域3)以前从未被研究过。过去的腐蚀试验主要集中在不同的合金冶金(领域2)和钎焊参数(微通道)上,这使得获得的结果很难推广。 在之前的许多研究中使用的模拟腐蚀试验气氛与热交换器所经历的真实腐蚀气氛并不完全相同。引文:ASHRAE研究
Manufacturers ofall-aluminum microchannel and round tube plate fin heat exchangers use varietyof corrosion tests that are varied in parameters assessed, test duration, andrelevance to actual field conditions. The purpose of this investigation is tostudy three realms of corrosive atmospheres (1), alloy metallurgical parameters(2), and mode of heat exchangers operation (3). Previous investigations havenot considered these three realms simultaneously. Specifically, the mode ofheat exchanger duty cycle as it relates to corrosion and degradation of heatexchanger alloys (realm 3) has not been investigated before. Corrosion testsperformed in the past focused on different alloy metallurgies (realm 2) andbrazing parameters (for microchannels) which makes generalization of resultsobtained very difficult. Simulated corrosion test atmosphere used in many ofthe previous investigations did not closely duplicate real corrosiveatmospheres experienced by heat exchangers. For
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