Space environment (natural and artificial) — Plasma environments for generation of worst case electrical potential differences for spacecraft
空间环境(自然和人造) 用于产生航天器最差情况电势差的等离子体环境
ISO 19923:2017规定了导致航天器产生最坏表面电位差的空间等离子体环境。它还规定了如何使用提供的模拟代码估计最坏情况下的电位差。
ISO 19923:2017包括GEO、PEO和MEO中的等离子体能量和密度。ISO 19923:2017不包括对低轨等离子体能量和密度的描述,因为低轨的大表面电荷很可能是由航天器仪器产生的高压电引起的。
ISO 19923:2017仅涉及航天器的外表面充电。
ISO 19923:2017 specifies space plasma environments that lead to the generation of the worst-case surface potential differences for spacecraft. It also specifies how to estimate worst-case potential differences by using the simulation codes provided.
ISO 19923:2017 includes plasma energy and density in GEO, PEO, and MEO. ISO 19923:2017 does not include descriptions of plasma energy and density in LEO because large surface charging in LEO is likely to be due to high-voltage power generation by instrumentation of the spacecraft.
ISO 19923:2017 deals with external surface charging of spacecraft only.