Ships and marine technology — Marine facsimile receivers for meteorological charts
船舶和船舶技术 - 海事传真接收机的气象图
ISO 9876:2015规定了根据世界气象组织(WMO)第386号出版物第111-5部分规定的“通过无线电电路传真发送气象图”接收气象图的船载海上传真接收机的结构、性能、型式试验和检验。
ISO 9876:2015适用于船载无线电传真接收机,用于接收气象图和其他气象条件的图形表示,以帮助海上导航。
ISO 9876:2015 specifies the construction, performance, type testing, and inspection for a ship borne marine facsimile receiver that receives meteorological charts transmitted by "Facsimile transmission of meteorological chart over radio circuits" stated in accordance with World Meteorological Organization (WMO) publication No. 386, Part 111-5.
ISO 9876:2015 applies to ship borne radio facsimile receivers for the reception of meteorological charts and other graphical representation of meteorological conditions intended as an aid to navigation at sea.