Zinc coatings — Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Part 1: General principles of design and corrosion resistance
锌涂料 - 结构中钢铁腐蚀防护指南与建议 - 第1部分:设计和耐腐蚀性的一般原则
ISO 14713-1:2017 provides guidelines and recommendations regarding the general principles of design which are appropriate for articles to be zinc coated for corrosion protection and the level of corrosion resistance provided by zinc coatings applied to iron or steel articles, exposed to a variety of environments. Initial protection is covered in relation to
- available standard processes,
- design considerations, and
- environments for use.
ISO 14713-1:2017 applies to zinc coatings applied by the following processes:
a) hot dip galvanized coatings (applied after fabrication);
b) hot dip galvanized coatings (applied onto continuous sheet);
c) sherardized coatings;
d) thermal sprayed coatings;
e) mechanically plated coatings;
f) electrodeposited coatings.
These guidelines and recommendations do not deal with the maintenance of corrosion protection in service for steel with zinc coatings. Guidance on this subject can be found in ISO 12944?5 and ISO 12944?8.