Energy performance of buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load-Explanation and justification of EN 12831-3, Module M8-2, M8-3
建筑物的能源性能 设计热负荷的计算方法 EN 12831-3模块M8-2和M8-3的解释和理由
BS PD CEN/TR 12831-4:2017参考标准EN 12831-3,模块M8-2和M8-3。它包含支持正确理解、使用和国家适应标准的信息
EN 12831-3。交叉引用:EN ISO 7345:1995ISO 7345:1987EN 15603:2008EN 12831-3许可报告WP6。1_N05rev02ISO 52000-1CEN/TS 16629:2014CEN/TS 16628:2014CENISO/TR 52000-2ENISO 52000-1ISO/TR 52000-2购买本文件时可用的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS PD CEN/TR 12831-4:2017 refers to standard EN 12831-3, module M8-2, M8-3.It contains information to support the correct understanding, use and national adaptation of standard
EN 12831-3.Cross References:EN ISO 7345:1995ISO 7345:1987EN 15603:2008EN 12831-3 CENSE report WP6.1_N05rev02ISO 52000-1CEN/TS 16629:2014CEN/TS 16628:2014CENISO/TR 52000-2ENISO 52000-1ISO/TR 52000-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.