BS ISO 29463-4. High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air. Part 4. Test method for determining the leakage of filter elements (scan method)
BS ISO 29463-4 用于去除空气中颗粒的高效过滤器和过滤介质 第四部分 测定滤芯泄漏的试验方法(扫描法)
交叉引用:ISO/DIS 29463-2ISO/DIS 29463-3ISO/DIS 29463-4ISO/DIS 29463-5EN 14799ISO 5167:2003ISO 5167-1EN 1822-1:2007EN 1822-2:2007EN 1822-3:2007EN 1822-5:2007IEST RP CC 001IEST RP CC 007IEST RP CC 013IEST RP CC 02IEST RP CC 034ISO 14644-3:2004US Mil 282购买本文件时可提供的所有现行修订版。
Cross References:ISO/DIS 29463-2ISO/DIS 29463-3ISO/DIS 29463-4ISO/DIS 29463-5EN 14799ISO 5167:2003ISO 5167-1EN 1822-1:2007EN 1822-2:2007EN 1822-3:2007EN 1822-4:2007EN 1822-5:2007IEST RP CC 001IEST RP CC 007IEST RP CC 013IEST RP CC 021IEST RP CC 034ISO 14644-3:2004US Mil Standard 282All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.