Measurement of radioactivity in the environment. Soil-Gross alpha and gross beta activities. Test method using gas-flow proportional counting
环境中放射性的测量 土壤
This document provides a method that allows an estimation of gross radioactivity of alpha- and beta-emitters
present in soil samples. It applies, essentially, to systematic inspections based on comparative
measurements or to preliminary site studies to guide the testing staff both in the choice of soil samples
for measurement as a priority and in the specific analysis methods for implementation.Cross References:ISO/IEC 17025ISO 18589-1ISO 80000-10ISO 18589-2ISO 18589-4ISO 11074NF M 60-790-5ISO 5667-19ISO 11929 (all parts)ISO 16000-11ISO 5667-17ISO 5667-13EN 16516ASTM D3648-04NUREG-1576ISO 5667-12ISO/IEC Guide 98-3All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.