Cross References:EN 12099EN 12201-2:2011EN 12201-3prEN 12201-4:2011EN ISO 472:2001ISO 472:1999EN ISO 1043-1:2001ISO 1043-1:2001EN ISO 1133ISO 1133:2005EN ISO 1167-1ISO 1167-1:2006EN ISO 1167-2ISO 1167-2:2006EN ISO 1183-1ISO 1183-1:2004EN ISO 1183-2ISO 1183-2:2004EN ISO 6259-1ISO 6259-1:1997prEN ISO 9080ISO/DIS 9080:2010EN ISO 12162ISO 12162:2009EN ISO 13477ISO 13477:2008EN ISO 13478ISO 13478:2007EN ISO 13479ISO 13479:2009EN ISO 15512ISO 15512:1999EN ISO 16871ISO 16871:2003ISO 6259-3ISO 6964ISO 11357-6ISO 11413:2008ISO 11414:2009ISO 13953ISO 13954ISO 18553EN 12201-5CEN/TS 12201-7ISO 3:1973ISO 497:1973ISO 760:1978ISO 4065:1996ISO 13761:199689/106/EEC98/83/ECWater Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001Water Supply (Water Quality) (Scotland) Regulations 2001Water Supply (Water Quality) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.