Kitchen sinks. Functional requirements and test methods
厨房水槽 功能要求和测试方法
BS EN 13310:2015+A1:2018规定了功能要求!厨房设备的特性和试验方法
制造商的说明提供了令人满意的性能。交叉引用:EN ISO 6506-1ISO 9352ISO 6506-1ISO 4211-3EN 695EN ISO 9001ISO 9001包含以下内容:修订,2018年10月
BS EN 13310:2015+A1:2018 specifies the functional !characteristics" of and test methods for kitchen
sinks for domestic purposes, which ensure that the product, when installed in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions, gives satisfactory performance.Cross References:EN ISO 6506-1ISO 9352ISO 6506-1ISO 4211-3EN 695EN ISO 9001ISO 9001Incorporates the following:Amendment, October 2018