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现行 ASTM E3184-24
Standard Digital Reference Images for High-Strength Copper-Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings 高强度铜基和镍铜合金铸件的标准数字参考图像
发布日期: 2024-07-15
1.1 这些数字参考图像说明了高强度铜基、镍铜和相关合金铸件中出现的各种类别、类型和严重程度的不连续性。数字参考图像是本文件的附件,如果需要,必须从ASTM国际组织单独购买(见 2.4 ). 这些数字参考图像所代表的每种不连续类型的类别和严重程度在 1.2 . 注1: 这些参考图像的应用基础要求事先就第节中描述的射线照相检查属性和分类标准达成买方-供应商协议 4. , 6. ,以及 7. 这个标准。 1.2 这些参考图像由四十五个5英寸乘7英寸(127毫米乘178毫米)标称尺寸的复制品组成(二十个由1英寸(25.4毫米)的板铸件制成,用低压X射线暴露,厚度不超过2英寸),二十五个由3英寸(76毫米)的板铸件制成,用2 MV X射线或钴60同位素暴露,厚度大于2英寸,不超过6英寸,除非买方-供应商协议另有规定(见 1.1 ),每个不连续性类别仅用于与使用该类别所涉及的厚度范围内的辐射能级生成的生产数字图像进行比较。 这些数字参考图像显示了砂型锰镍铝青铜合金板中的不连续性,代表了在窄冷冻范围(以前称为“高收缩”)高强度铜和镍铜合金中发现的不连续。本标准辅助数字参考图像的类别、类型和严重程度如所示 1.2.1 – 1.2.3 (参见 附注2 ): 1.2.1 A类-- 气孔率;对于两个厚度范围,严重程度级别为1至5。 A. 十、 — 厚度不超过2英寸(50.8毫米)。 A. G — 大于2英寸(50.8毫米),小于等于6英寸。 (152.4毫米)厚。 1.2.2 B类-- 内含物;2种类型: Ba-- 两个厚度范围内严重程度为1至5的夹砂。 1. 文学士 十、 --厚度不超过2英寸(50.8毫米)。 2. 文学士 G --厚度大于2英寸(50.8毫米),小于等于6英寸(152.4毫米)。 B b 浮渣夹杂物,两个厚度范围的严重程度为1至5。 1. B b 十、 --厚度不超过2英寸(50.8毫米)。 2. B b G --厚度大于2英寸(50.8毫米),小于等于6英寸(152.4毫米)。 1.2.3 C类-- 收缩;3种类型: Ca-- 线性收缩,严重程度1至5级,大于2英寸。 (50.8毫米)厚度不超过6英寸(152.4毫米)。 Cb-- 羽毛状收缩,严重程度为1至5级,适用于厚度不超过2英寸(50.8毫米)的截面。 抄送-- 厚度大于2英寸(50.8毫米)至6英寸(152.4毫米)的海绵状收缩,严重程度为1至5级。 注2: 用下标“X”表示的不连续性类别是用低能X射线辐射产生的;用下标“G”表示的不连续性类别是用钴60或2 MV X射线或两者产生的。第节 4. 详细介绍了这些数字参考图像的意义和用途。 1.3 本标准的所有领域都可能受到认可的工程组织和供应商之间协议的约束,或受到认可工程组织的具体指示。这些项目应在采购订单或合同中加以说明。 1.4 这些数字参考图像并不旨在说明在进行胶片射线照相时,高强度铜基、镍铜和相关合金铸件中发现的不连续性的类型和程度。如果对高强度铜基、镍铜和相关合金铸件进行胶片射线照相,请参阅参考射线照相 E272 . 1.5 只有软件和图像的许可副本才能用于生产检查。ASTM/用户许可协议的副本应存档以供审计(见 附注3 ). 注3: 数字参考图像由28个数字文件、加载所需格式的软件和加载过程的具体说明组成。45幅参考图像显示了三类分级不连续性( 1.2.1 (气孔率), 1.2.2 (包括在内),以及 1.2.3 (收缩)),并包含一个台阶楔形的图像。可从ASTM国际总部获得,订单号: RRE3184。 1.6 以英寸-磅单位表示的值应被视为标准值。括号中给出的值是对国际单位制的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.7 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如果有的话)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.8 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 4.1 高强度铜基和镍铜合金铸件的参考图像旨在作为识别常见不连续性及其类型和严重程度区分的指南。图示了这些合金中最常见的不连续类型。作为参考,第节中包含了典型铸件不连续性和相应图像指示类型的描述 5. 采购商和供应商可以通过双方协议选择特定的不连续性类别(见 1.2 )作为代表最低可接受水平的标准(见第 6. 和 7. ). 4.2 当确定适用于铸造服务应用时,根据买方-供应商协议的约定,本标准表示的参考图像可用于本标准范围之外的能级、厚度或两者。第节 9 解决可能需要焊接修复的买方-供应商要求。 4.3 第节规定了使用本标准适用参考图像评估生产图像的程序 8. ; 然而,可能存在涉及特定铸造服务应用的制造买方问题,在这些应用中,修改或改变这些要求可能是合适的。 如果此类修改可能适用于铸造应用,则应在买方-供应商协议或合同文件中注明所有此类更改。 4.4 以下ASTM规范说明了这些标准涵盖的合金;然而,这些参考图像也适用于相关的政府和商业材料规范: 合金 ASTM规范 A. 铝青铜 B148 镍铝青铜 B148 铜镍合金 B369 锰青铜 B584 合金 政府规范 A. 锰镍铝青铜 MIL-B-21230A——合金编号。 2. 镍铜 MIL-B-21230A——2号合金 A. 见第节 2. 获取这些规范的完整标题。
1.1 These digital reference images illustrate various categories, types and severity levels of discontinuities occurring in high-strength copper-base, nickel-copper, and related alloy castings. The digital reference images are an adjunct to this document and must be purchased separately from ASTM International if needed (see 2.4 ). Categories and severity levels for each discontinuity type represented by these digital reference images are described in 1.2 . Note 1: The basis of application for these reference images requires a prior purchaser supplier agreement of radiographic examination attributes and classification criterion described in Sections 4 , 6 , and 7 of this standard. 1.2 These reference images consist of forty-five 5 in. by 7 in. (127 mm by 178 mm) nominal size reproductions (twenty made from 1 in. (25.4 mm) plate castings exposed with low voltage X rays for thicknesses up to and including 2 in.) and twenty-five made from 3 in. (76 mm) plate castings exposed with 2 MV X rays or Cobalt 60 isotope for thicknesses greater than 2 in. up to and including 6 in. Unless otherwise specified in a purchaser supplier agreement (see 1.1 ), each discontinuity category is for comparison only with production digital images produced with radiation energy levels within the thickness range addressed by the category. These digital reference images illustrate discontinuities in sand-cast manganese-nickel-aluminum bronze-alloy plates and are representative of those found in narrow freezing range (formerly “high shrinkage”) high-strength copper and nickel-copper alloys. The categories, types and severity levels for the adjunct digital reference images of this standard are shown in 1.2.1 – 1.2.3 (see Note 2 ): 1.2.1 Category A— Gas porosity; severity levels 1 through 5 for two thickness ranges. A X — Up to and including 2 in. (50.8 mm) in thickness. A G — Greater than 2 in. (50.8 mm) up to and including 6 in. (152.4 mm) in thickness. 1.2.2 Category B— Inclusions; 2 types: Ba— Sand inclusions, severity levels 1 through 5 for two thickness ranges. (1) Ba X —Up to and including 2 in. (50.8 mm) in thickness. (2) Ba G —Greater than 2 in. (50.8 mm) up to and including 6 in. (152.4 mm) in thickness. B b— Dross inclusions, severity levels 1 through 5 for two thickness ranges. (1) B b X —Up to and including 2 in. (50.8 mm) in thickness. (2) B b G —Greater than 2 in. (50.8 mm) up to and including 6 in. (152.4 mm) in thickness. 1.2.3 Category C— Shrinkage; 3 types: Ca— Linear shrinkage, severity levels 1 through 5 for greater than 2 in. (50.8 mm) up to and including 6 in. (152.4 mm) in thickness. Cb— Feathery shrinkage, severity levels 1 through 5 for section thicknesses up to and including 2 in. (50.8 mm) in thickness. Cc— Spongy shrinkage, severity levels 1 through 5 for greater than 2 in. (50.8 mm) up to and including 6 in. (152.4 mm) in thickness. Note 2: Discontinuity classes designated with a subscript “X” were produced with low energy X-ray radiation; discontinuity classes designated with subscript “G” were produced with Cobalt 60 or 2 MV X rays, or both. Section 4 details the significance and use of these digital reference images. 1.3 All areas of this standard may be subject to agreement between the cognizant engineering organization and the supplier, or specific direction from the cognizant engineering organization. These items should be addressed in the purchase order or the contract. 1.4 These digital reference images are not intended to illustrate the types and degrees of discontinuities found in high-strength copper-base, nickel-copper, and related alloy castings when performing film radiography. If performing film radiography of high-strength copper-base, nickel-copper, and related alloy castings, refer to Reference Radiographs E272 . 1.5 Only licensed copies of the software and images shall be utilized for production examination. A copy of the ASTM/User license agreement shall be kept on file for audit purposes (see Note 3 ). Note 3: The digital reference images consist of 28 digital files, software to load the desired format and specific instructions on the loading process. The 45 reference images illustrate three categories of graded discontinuities ( 1.2.1 (Gas porosity), 1.2.2 (Inclusions), and 1.2.3 (Shrinkage)) and contain an image of a step wedge. Available from ASTM International Headquarters, Order No: RRE3184. 1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 Reference images for high-strength copper-base and nickel-copper alloy castings are intended to be used as a guide to the recognition of common discontinuities and their differentiation both as to type and severity level. Discontinuity types most common to these alloys are illustrated. For reference, descriptions of typical casting discontinuities and corresponding image indication types are contained in Section 5 . Purchasers and suppliers may, by mutual agreement, select particular discontinuity categories (see 1.2 ) to serve as standards representing minimum levels of acceptability (see Sections 6 and 7 ). 4.2 Reference images represented by this standard may be used, as agreed upon in a purchaser supplier agreement, for energy levels, thicknesses or both outside the range of this standard when determined applicable for the casting service application. Section 9 addresses purchaser supplier requisites where weld repairs may be required. 4.3 Procedures for evaluation of production images using applicable reference images of this standard are prescribed in Section 8 ; however, there may be manufacturing-purchaser issues involving specific casting service applications where it may be appropriate to modify or alter such requirements. Where such modifications may be appropriate for the casting application, all such changes shall be called out in the purchaser supplier agreement or contractual document. 4.4 The following ASTM specifications illustrate alloys covered by these standards; however, it is intended that these reference images also apply to related government and commercial material specifications: Alloys ASTM Specification A Aluminum Bronze B148 Nickel-Aluminum Bronze B148 Copper-Nickel B369 Manganese Bronze B584 Alloys Government Specification A Manganese-Nickel-Aluminum Bronze MIL-B-21230A – Alloy No. 2 Nickel-Copper MIL-B-21230A – Alloy No. 2 (A) See Section 2 for the complete title(s) of these specification(s).
归口单位: E07.02