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现行 ISO 26303:2022
Machine tools — Short-term capability evaluation of machining processes on metal-cutting machine tools 机床.金属切削机床加工过程的短期能力评估
发布日期: 2022-03-10
本文件规定了基于金属切削机床加工指定工件能力测试(即间接测试)的验收程序。它给出了测试条件、适用测量系统和机床要求的建议。 本文件与ISO一致22514(所有部分)描述了过程管理的统计方法,并论述了这些方法在机床和一批试样加工中的具体应用。本文件既不包括通常在测试精度性能之前进行的功能测试,也不包括机床安全条件的测试。 附件A提供了与统计评估相关的其他信息,附件B和C提供短期能力测试的协议和评估表,而附录D给出了一个例子。 注意1.直接测试旨在研究单个机床的特性,例如几何或定位精度。短期能力评估旨在证明机床具有完成特定工艺任务的能力。因此,重要的是要认识到短期能力测试仅关注制造产品。 这意味着直接测试方法更适合于确定机床上的误差源,并对广泛生产范围内使用的机床进行建设性改进;短期能力测试不太适合检测机床的误差源。因此,预计在加工过程中验收金属切削机床的短期能力评估主要在工件相关的专用机器上进行,例如,具有工艺的传输线工作站- 确定的循环时间小于10最小值,以便在一个班次内制造至少50个工件,因为统计不确定性在较小数量的情况下显著增加。原则上,如果通用机床(如用于大批量生产的加工中心)满足上述统计要求,也可以对其进行短期能力评估。 注意2.术语“短期能力”是机床行业中广泛使用的术语,对应于ISO中规定的术语“过程性能指数”3534- 2: 2006年为正态分布。
This document specifies procedures for acceptance of metal-cutting machine tools based on the tests of their capability in machining a specified workpiece (i.e. indirect testing). It gives recommendations for test conditions, applicable measurement systems and the requirements for machine tools. This document is consistent with ISO 22514 (all parts) describing statistical methods for process management and deals with the specific application of those methods to machine tools and machining of a sample batch of test pieces. This document covers neither functional tests, which are generally carried out before testing the accuracy performance, nor the testing of the safety conditions of the machine tool. Annex A gives additional information related to statistical evaluation, Annexes B and C provide agreement and evaluations forms for short-term capability tests, while Annex D gives an example. NOTE 1   Direct testing aims to investigate individual machine tool properties, such as geometric or positioning accuracy. Short-term capability evaluation is meant to prove that a machine tool has the capability to fulfil a specific process task. It is, therefore, important to recognize that the short-term capability test is focused only on the manufactured product. This means that direct testing methods are more suited for the determination of error sources on the machine tool and for deriving constructive improvements of a machine tool that is used in a wide production spectrum; a short-term capability test is less suited for detection of error sources of the machine tool. Therefore, it is expected that short-term capability evaluation for the acceptance of metal-cutting machine tools in machining processes be primarily carried out on workpiece-dependent special-purpose machines, e.g. working stations of transfer lines, with a process-determined cycle time of less than 10 min, so that at least 50 workpieces are manufactured in one shift as the statistical uncertainty increases strongly for a smaller number. In principle, short-term capability evaluation can also be performed on universal machine tools, such as machining centres used for large batch production if they meet the above-mentioned statistical requirements. NOTE 2   The term “short-term capability”, which is a widely used term in machine tool industry, corresponds to the term “process performance index” specified in ISO 3534-2:2006 for normal distribution.
归口单位: ISO/TC 39/SC 2