Energy performance of buildings. Heating and DHW systems in buildings-Measured energy performance, Module M3-10, M8-10
建筑物的能源性能 建筑供暖和DHW系统
BS EN 15378-3:2017规定了评估空间供暖和空调输送能量的方法
EN ISO 52000涵盖了能源性能的评估-
1:2017.交叉引用:BS EN ISO 7345:1996EN 50379-1:2012EN 50379-2:2012EN 50379-3:2012ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 7345:1987EN ISO 52000-1:2017CEN/TR 15378-4:2017SIA D027STN EN 15603购买本文件时提供的所有当前修改件均包括在内。
BS EN 15378-3:2017 specifies methods to assess the delivered energy for space heating and
domestic hot water energy performance of a building based on measurements during the operation and
occupancy phase. This includes:assessment of the amount of delivered energy carriers for space heating and domestic hot water
preparation based on measurement;assessment of the energy performance indicators of heating and domestic hot water systems and
subsystems based on measurements.This standard does not cover the measurement of delivered energy for ventilation, cooling, air
conditioning and lighting systems.This standard includes procedures to correct measured delivered energy according to climate and
building use.Weighting (e.g. conversion into primary energy, cost, CO2 emission) of the measured delivered energy
and assessment of the energy performance are covered in EN ISO 52000-1:2017.Cross References:BS EN ISO 7345:1996EN 50379-1:2012EN 50379-2:2012EN 50379-3:2012ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 7345:1987EN ISO 52000-1:2017CEN/TR 15378-4:2017SIA D027STN EN 15603All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.