Energy performance of buildings. Heating systems and DHW in buildings-Inspection of boilers, heating systems and DHW, Module M3-11, M8-11
建筑物的能源性能 建筑供暖系统和DHW
BS EN 15378-1:2017规定了现有设备能源性能评估的检查程序
模块化结构如EN ISO 52000-1所述。交叉引用:EN ISO 7345:1995 EN ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 7345:1987ISO 52000-1:2017CEN/TR 15378-2:2017OENORM M 7510-1购买本文件时,所有当前可用的修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 15378-1:2017 specifies inspection procedures for the assessment of energy performance of existing
boilers and heating systems.Heat generators types covered by this standard are:boilers for heating, domestic hot water or both;gas, liquid, solid fuel fired combustion boilers;electrically driven and gas driven heat pumps;thermal solar systems for domestic hot water, heating or both;other heat generators types, such as cogeneration units.Parts of heating systems covered by this standard are:heat generators, including generation control;heating distribution network, including associated components and controls;heating emitters, including components and controls;space heating control system;heat storage and associated components;domestic hot water production system.This standard covers issues related to energy conservation and environmental performance.Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the
modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000-1.Cross References:EN ISO 7345:1995EN ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 7345:1987ISO 52000-1:2017CEN/TR 15378-2:2017OENORM M 7510-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.