Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Application to junctions with at least one Type A element
BS EN ISO 10848-4:2017规定了测量方法,以表征一个传感器的侧面传输特性
构成被测结构的构件为a类构件(定义见ISO 10848-1)。实验室测量用于量化具有抑制效应的接头的性能
为预测方法输入数据,如ISO 12354-1和ISO 12354-2。交叉引用:ISO 10848-1:2017ISO 12999-1:2014ISO 10140-3:2010ISO 10140-2:2010ISO 12354-2:2017ISO 12354-1:2017购买本文件时可用的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 10848-4:2017 specifies measurement methods to characterize the flanking transmission of one
or several building components.This document specifies laboratory and field measurements of buildings where at least one of the
elements that form the construction under test is a Type A element (defined in ISO 10848-1).Laboratory measurements are used to quantify the performance of the junction with suppressed
flanking transmission from the laboratory structure. Field measurements are used to characterize
the in situ performance and it is not usually possible to suppress unwanted flanking transmission
sufficiently; hence, the results are primarily representative of the performance of that junction when
installed in that particular building structure.The measured quantities can be used to compare different products, or to express a requirement, or as
input data for prediction methods, such as ISO 12354-1 and ISO 12354-2.Cross References:ISO 10848-1:2017ISO 12999-1:2014ISO 10140-3:2010ISO 10140-2:2010ISO 12354-2:2017ISO 12354-1:2017All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.