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现行 BS EN ISO 10848-1:2017
Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Frame document 声学相邻房间之间空气、撞击和建筑服务设备声音侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量
发布日期: 2017-11-20
BS EN ISO 10848-1:2017规定了测量方法,以表征一个传感器的侧面传输特性 或者几个建筑构件。这些测量在实验室测试设施或实验室中进行 球场。建筑构件的性能可以表示为 元素和连接的组合(例如标准化的侧翼标高差和/或 标准化侧翼冲击声压级)或作为交叉口或 交叉点的标准化方向平均振动水平差。建筑物中的结构声源有两种方法,一种是标准化的侧翼 设备声压级和可用于估计声音的传输函数 由于源中服务设备的结构激励,接收室内的压力水平 房间前一种方法假设侧翼传输仅限于一个交叉点(或没有交叉点) 连接(如果支撑设备的元件是分离元件),后者考虑 直接(如果有)和所有侧翼传输路径的组合。本文件包含测试元件和测试室的定义、一般要求,以及 测量方法。根据具体情况,给出了选择测量数量的指南 关于交叉点和涉及的建筑构件类型。ISO 10848的其他部分规定了 适用于不同类型的连接和建筑构件。侧翼变速器的特征量可用于比较不同的产品,或 表示需求,或作为预测方法的输入数据,如ISO 12354-1和ISO 12354-2。交叉引用:ISO 3382-2:2008 Ed 1ISO 10140- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.3 3 1998年(R04)全部购买本文件时提供的最新修订包括在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 10848-1:2017 specifies measurement methods to characterize the flanking transmission of one or several building components. These measurements are performed in a laboratory test facility or in the field.The performance of the building components is expressed either as an overall quantity for the combination of elements and junction (such as the normalized flanking level difference and/or normalized flanking impact sound pressure level) or as the vibration reduction index of a junction or the normalized direction-average vibration level difference of a junction.Two approaches are used for structure-borne sound sources in buildings, a normalized flanking equipment sound pressure level and a transmission function that can be used to estimate sound pressure levels in a receiving room due to structure-borne excitation by service equipment in a source room. The former approach assumes that flanking transmission is limited to one junction (or no junction if the element supporting the equipment is the separating element), and the latter considers the combination of direct (if any) and all flanking transmission paths.This document contains definitions, general requirements for test elements and test rooms, and measurement methods. Guidelines are given for the selection of the quantity to be measured, depending on the junction and the types of building elements involved. Other parts of ISO 10848 specify the application for different types of junction and building elements.The quantities characterizing the flanking transmission can be used to compare different products, or to express a requirement, or as input data for prediction methods, such as ISO 12354-1 and ISO 12354-2.Cross References:ISO 3382-2:2008 Ed 1ISO 10140-5:2010ISO 717-2:2013 ED3ISO 10140-4:2010IEC 61183:1994ISO 7626-1:2011ISO 717-1:2013 ED3IEC 61672-1:2013ISO 7626-5:1994IEC 61260NT ACOU 090:1994OIML R88EN 15657:2009OIML R58ISO 7626-2:2015 ED2ISO 15186-1:2000ISO 10140-2:2010IEC 60942:2003ISO 12354-1:2017ISO 10848-3:2017ISO 18233:2006(R09) Ed 1ISO 10848-4:2017ISO 10848-2:2017IEC 61672-3:2013ISO 12354-2:2017ISO 1683:2015 ED3ISO 5348:1998 (R04)All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会
BS EN ISO 10848-5-2020
Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of the flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Efficiencies of building elements
ISO 10848-1-2017
Acoustics — Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms — Part 1: Frame document
声学 - 相邻房间之间机载 冲击和建筑物服务设备侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量 - 第1部分:框架文件
GOST R ISO 10848-1-2012
Акустика. Лабораторные измерения косвенной передачи воздушного и ударного шума между смежными помещениями. Часть 1. Основные положения
声学 实验室测量相邻房间之间机载和冲击声的侧翼传输 第一部分基本规定
BS EN ISO 10848-4-2017
Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Application to junctions with at least one Type A element
ISO 10848-5-2020
Acoustics — Laboratory and field measurement of the flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms — Part 5: Radiation efficiencies of building elements
GB/T 19889.1-2005
声学 建筑和建筑构件隔声测量 第1部分:侧向传声受抑制的实验室测试 设施要求
Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements-Part 1:Requirements for laboratory test facilities with suppressed flanking transmission
DIN EN ISO 10848-1
Acoustics - Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms - Part 1: Frame document (ISO 10848-1:2017)
声学.相邻房间之间气载、撞击和建筑服务设备声音的侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量.第1部分:框架文件(ISO 10848-1-2017)
ISO 10848-4-2017
Acoustics — Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms — Part 4: Application to junctions with at least one Type A element
声学 - 相邻房间之间机载 冲击和建筑物服务设备侧面传输的实验室和现场测量 - 第4部分:应用于至少一个A型元件的接头
BS EN ISO 10848-2-2017
Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Application to Type B elements when the junction has a small influence
BS EN ISO 10848-3-2017
Acoustics. Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms-Application to Type B elements when the junction has a substantial influence
DIN EN ISO 10848-5
Acoustics - Laboratory and field measurement of the flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms - Part 5: Radiation efficiencies of building elements (ISO 10848-5:2020)
UNE-EN ISO 10848-1-2007
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of the flanking transmission of airborne and impact sound between adjoining rooms - Part 1: Frame document (ISO 10848-1:2006)
声学.相邻房间之间气载和冲击声侧面传输的实验室测量.第1部分:框架文件(ISO 10848-1-2006)
GOST R ISO 10848-4-2013
Акустика. Лабораторные измерения косвенной передачи воздушного и ударного шума между смежными помещениями. Часть 4. Применение к соединениям с не менее чем одним тяжелым элементом
声学 实验室测量相邻房间之间机载和冲击声的侧翼传输 至少有一个重元素的连接处
ISO 10848-2-2017
Acoustics — Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms — Part 2: Application to Type B elements when the junction has a small influence
声学 - 相邻房间之间机载 冲击和建筑物服务设备侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量 - 第2部分:当接头影响小时 适用于B型元件
ISO 10848-3-2017
Acoustics — Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms — Part 3: Application to Type B elements when the junction has a substantial influence
声学 - 相邻房间之间机载 冲击和建筑服务设备声音侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量 - 第3部分:当交界处有重大影响时应用于B型元件
GOST R ISO 10848-3-2012
Акустика. Лабораторные измерения косвенной передачи воздушного и ударного шума между смежными помещениями. Часть 3. Применение к легким сильно связанным конструкциям
声学 实验室测量相邻房间之间机载和撞击声的侧翼传输 第3部分 当交界处有重大影响时对轻元素的应用
GOST R ISO 10848-2-2012
Акустика. Лабораторные измерения косвенной передачи воздушного и ударного шума между смежными помещениями. Часть 2. Применение к легким слабо связанным конструкциям
声学 实验室测量相邻房间之间机载和冲击声的侧翼传输 第2部分 当结点影响较小时 应用于光元件
UNE-EN ISO 10848-4-2011
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of the flanking transmission of airborne and impact sound between adjoining rooms - Part 4: Application to junctions with at least one heavy element (ISO 10848-4:2010)
声学.相邻房间之间空气传播和冲击声侧向传播的实验室测量.第4部分:至少有一个重元素的接合处的应用(ISO 10848-4-2010)
DIN EN ISO 10848-3
Acoustics - Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms - Part 3: Application to Type B elements when the junction has a substantial influence (ISO 10848-3:2017)
声学.相邻房间之间空气传播、冲击和建筑服务设备声音的侧翼传输的实验室和现场测量.第3部分:当连接处有重大影响时B型元件的应用(ISO 10848-3-2017)
UNE-EN ISO 10848-3-2007
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of the flanking transmission of airborne and impact sound between adjoining rooms - Part 3: Application to light elements when the junction has a substantial influence (ISO 10848-3:2006)
声学.相邻房间之间空气传播和冲击声侧翼传播的实验室测量.第3部分:接合处有重大影响时对轻元素的应用(ISO 10848-3-2006)