Methods of testing plastics. Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves-Tensile properties of dumb-bell specimens from PVC gutter profiles of pipes for non-pressure applications
塑料的试验方法 热塑性塑料管道、配件和阀门 非压力用PVC排水沟管材哑铃试样的拉伸性能
Describes a method for obtaining specific dumb-bell shaped test specimens from heated and flattened PVC pipe or gutters having a wall thickness less than 5 mm and determining the average tensile strength or elongation to break at a specified rate of straining, nominally 5 mm/min. To be read in conjunction with BS 2782-0Cross References:BS 2782:Part 0BS 2782:Methods 320A to 320FBS 4514BS 4576BS 4660Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974