Standard Method of Test for Determining the Cracking Temperature of Asphalt Binder Using the Asphalt Binder Cracking Device (ABCD)
AASHTO T 387-19规定了通过沥青粘合剂开裂装置(ABCD)测定沥青粘合剂的开裂温度。该设备可用于未老化材料,或使用T 240(RTFOT)或R 28(PAV)老化材料,或两者兼用。该试验装置设计用于测试-60至+20°C范围内的开裂温度。
This test method covers the determination of cracking temperatures of asphalt binders by the means of an Asphalt Binder Cracking Device (ABCD). This device can be used with unaged material or with material aged using AASHTO T 240 or R 28, or both. The test apparatus is designed for testing a cracking temperature in the range of –60 to +20°C.This standard was formerly designated as provisional standard TP 92.