Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Part 11: Reverberation chamber
ISO 11452-11:2010规定了一种混响室方法,用于测试乘用车和商用车电子部件的抗扰度(车外辐射源),而不考虑推进系统(即火花点火发动机、柴油发动机、电动机)。被测设备(DUT)以及线束(原型或标准测试线束)受到混响室内产生的电磁干扰的影响,混响室内或室外都有外围设备。它适用于连续窄带电磁场的干扰。
ISO 11452-11:2010 specifies a reverberation chamber method for testing the immunity (off-vehicle radiation source) of electronic components for passenger cars and commercial vehicles, regardless of the propulsion system (i.e. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, electric motor). The device under test (DUT), together with the wiring harness (prototype or standard test harness), is subjected to an electromagnetic disturbance generated inside the reverberation chamber, with peripheral devices either inside or outside the chamber. It is applicable to disturbances from continuous narrowband electromagnetic fields.
The test is performed using the tuned mode method.