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历史 ASTM D6473-15
Standard Test Method For Specific Gravity And Absorption of Rock For Erosion Control 用于侵蚀控制的岩石的比重和吸收的标准测试方法
发布日期: 2015-07-01
1.1 本试验方法包括测定岩石的比重和吸收率,以控制侵蚀,通常称为抛石或护面石。比重可以表示为体积比重或视比重。体积比重和吸收率基于24 ± 测试岩石试样的4小时浸泡时间。本试验适用于防波堤石、护面石、抛石和石笼大小的岩石材料。 1.2 再生混凝土和其他材料的使用不在本试验方法的范围内。 1.3 单位- 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准。 括号中给出的值是英寸-磅单位的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.4 所有观察值和计算值应符合实践中确定的有效数字和舍入准则 D6026 ,除非被本标准取代。 1.4.1 为了将测量值或计算值与规定限值进行比较,测量值或计算值应四舍五入至规定限值中最接近的小数或有效数字。 1.4.2 本标准中用于规定如何收集/记录或计算数据的程序被视为行业标准。 此外,它们代表了通常应保留的有效数字。使用的程序不考虑材料变化、获取数据的目的、特殊目的研究或用户目标的任何考虑因素;通常的做法是增加或减少报告数据的有效位数,以与这些考虑因素相称。考虑工程设计分析方法中使用的有效数字超出了本标准的范围。 1.5 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全和健康实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 抛石和护面石由放置在建筑项目、海岸线、河床、桥台、桩和其他结构上的天然岩石块组成,以尽量减少侵蚀的影响。岩石承受风化劣化的能力影响项目的有效性和成本。岩石的比重和吸收率提供了有用的信息,可用于评估岩石可能的劣化。 5.2 体积比重和体积比重SSD可以反映岩石的质量,并且很重要,因为它可以提供岩石抵抗水移动的一个指标。 5.3 岩石吸水可能会影响其在冻结条件和盐结晶条件下的耐久性。此外,吸收试验已被用作确定是否需要额外试验来评估岩石耐久性的指标试验。 5.4 尺寸等于拟议设计尺寸的试样将在实验室试验和实际现场性能之间提供最佳相关性,但这通常既不实用,也不经济可行。 5.5 这些试验的结果不得作为确定岩石耐久性的唯一依据,但应与其他试验的结果一起使用。 5.6 这些测试方法已用于评估不同类型的岩石。试验结果提供的数据很少与实际现场条件下岩石的耐久性不一致。例如,一些吸收值低的岩石在实际使用中破碎,一些吸收值高的岩石被证明是耐用的。 注2: 本标准产生的结果的质量取决于执行该标准的人员的能力,以及所用设备和设施的适用性。 符合执业标准的机构 D3740 通常认为能够胜任和客观的测试/采样/检查等。本标准的用户应注意遵守惯例 D3740 本身并不能保证可靠的结果。可靠的结果取决于许多因素;实践 D3740 提供了一种评估其中一些因素的方法。
1.1 This test method covers the determination of specific gravity and absorption of rock for erosion control, commonly referred to as riprap or armor stone. The specific gravity may be expressed as bulk specific gravity or apparent specific gravity. Bulk specific gravity and absorption are based on a 24 ± 4-h soaking time for the rock specimens tested. This test is appropriate for breakwater stone, armor stone, riprap, and gabion sized rock materials. 1.2 The use of reclaimed concrete and other materials is beyond the scope of this test method. 1.3 Units— The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.4 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in Practice D6026 , unless superseded by this standard. 1.4.1 For purposes of comparing measured or calculated value(s) with specified limits, the measured or calculated value(s) shall be rounded to the nearest decimal or significant digits in the specified limits. 1.4.2 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/recorded or calculated, in this standard are regarded as the industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the significant digits that generally should be retained. The procedures used do not consider material variation, purpose for obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of this standard to consider significant digits used in analytical methods for engineering design. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Rock riprap and armor stone are composed of pieces of natural rock that are placed on construction projects, shorelines, streambeds, bridge abutments, pilings, and other structures to minimize the effects of erosion. The ability of rock to withstand deterioration from weathering affects both the effectiveness of the project and its cost. The specific gravity and absorption of rock provide useful information that can be used in evaluating possible deterioration of rock. 5.2 Bulk specific gravity and bulk specific gravity SSD may reflect the quality of rock and is important in that it may provide one indicator to the resistance of a rock to movement by water. 5.3 The absorption of water into rock may affect its durability under freezing conditions and salt crystallization conditions. In addition, the absorption test has been used as an index test in determining whether additional tests are needed to evaluate the durability of a rock. 5.4 Test specimens equal in size to the proposed design size would provide the best correlations between laboratory tests and actual field performance, however this is usually neither practical nor economically feasible. 5.5 The results of these tests are not to be used as the sole basis for determination of rock durability, but should be used in conjunction with the results of other tests. 5.6 These test methods have been used to evaluate different types of rocks. There have been rare occasions when test results have provided data that have not agreed with the durability of rock under actual field conditions. For example, some rocks with low absorption values have fragmented in actual usage and some with high absorption values have proven to be durable. Note 2: The quality of the result produced by this standard is dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies which meet the criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable results depends on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
归口单位: D18.17
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