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现行 ISO 22003-2:2022
Food safety — Part 2: Requirements for bodies providing evaluation and certification of products, processes and services, including an audit of the food safety system 食品安全.第2部分:对提供产品、过程和服务的评估和认证机构的要求 包括对食品安全体系的审核
发布日期: 2022-06-07
本文件是对ISO/IEC的补充17065.它规定了适用于食品安全体系(FSS)审计和符合认证方案要求的产品、过程和服务认证的规则,该认证方案基于国际公认的食品安全原则(例如食品卫生法典通则),并包括管理体系要素。 本文件不适用于仅基于产品测试(例如由应用ISO/IEC?17025的组织执行)或检验(例如由应用ISO/IEC?17020的组织执行)的认证,也不适用于ISO/IEC17065- 以食品安全计划为基础,不包括国际公认的食品安全原则和管理体系要素。 它还为客户提供了必要的信息和对其供应商认证方式的信心。 FSS认证是第三方合格评定活动(如ISO/IEC?17000:2020,4.3所述),执行该活动的机构是第三方合格评定机构。 注意本文件可作为认证机构认证或同行评估的标准文件,认证机构寻求被认可为有能力证明组织的产品、过程和服务及其FSS符合认证方案的要求。 它还旨在作为监管机构和行业财团的标准文件,这些机构直接认可认证机构,以证明组织的FSS符合认证方案的要求。其一些要求也可用于参与此类认证机构合格评定的其他各方,以及承诺认证FSS符合其他标准的机构的合格评定。 FSS认证不能证明食品链内组织产品的安全性或适合性。然而,认证要求组织满足所有适用的食品要求- 通过其FSS的安全相关法律法规要求。
This document is supplemental to ISO/IEC 17065. It specifies the rules applicable for the audit of a food safety system (FSS) and certification of products, processes and services complying with requirements of a certification scheme that is based on the internationally accepted principles of food safety (e.g. CODEX General Principles of Food Hygiene[8]) and includes management system elements. This document does not apply to certifications that are solely based on product testing (e.g. performed by an organization applying ISO/IEC 17025) or inspection (e.g. performed by an organization applying ISO/IEC 17020) and does not apply to ISO/IEC 17065-based food safety schemes that do not include both internationally accepted principles of food safety and management system elements. It also provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of their suppliers has been granted. Certification of FSS is a third-party conformity assessment activity (as described in ISO/IEC 17000:2020, 4.3) and bodies performing this activity are third-party conformity assessment bodies. NOTE       This document can be used as a criteria document for the accreditation or peer assessment of certification bodies which seek to be recognized as being competent to certify that an organization’s products, processes and services and its FSS comply with the requirements of a certification scheme. It is also intended to be used as a criteria document by regulatory authorities and industry consortia which engage in direct recognition of certification bodies to certify that an organization’s FSS complies with a certification scheme’s requirements. Some of its requirements can also be useful to other parties involved in the conformity assessment of such certification bodies, and in the conformity assessment of bodies that undertake to certify the compliance of an FSS with additional criteria. FSS certification does not attest to the safety or fitness of the products of an organization within the food chain. However, certification requires an organization to meet all applicable food-safety-related statutory and regulatory requirements through its FSS.
归口单位: ISO/TC 34/SC 17