Security management. Strategic and operational guidelines
安全管理 战略和业务指导方针
BS 16000:2015给出了任何
确定如何改进。交叉引用:BS 7858BS 11200BS 13500:2013BS 31100BS 65000:2014BS ISO 12931BS ISO 31000BS ISO 55000BS ISO/IEC 27001ISO/IEC附录SL:2012ISO/IEC指南51PD ISO指南73:2009 2001年私人安全行业法案NSI/ASIS PAP。1:2012BS 7499BS 10501BS EN 31010BS EN ISO 22313BS ISO 22301 2007年《公司过失杀人和公司凶杀法》1998年《数据保护法》1998年《工作健康和安全法》2006年《欺诈法》2010ISO 28000ISO/DTS 22318PAS 555PAS 1998年《版权法》购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订内容均包括在内。
BS 16000:2015 gives guidance on security management for any
organization, whether large or small, public or private, to support its viability,
productivity, reputation, sustainability and, ultimately, success. The standard
clarifies the basic principles of security management and demonstrates how
security can be embedded in an organization.An organization might already have implemented security solutions that have
addressed some or all of its requirements, and this standard can be used to assist
in the monitoring and review of the organization's security management and to
determine how it might be improved.Cross References:BS 7858BS 11200BS 13500:2013BS 31100BS 65000:2014BS ISO 12931BS ISO 31000BS ISO 55000BS ISO/IEC 27001ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012ISO/IEC Guide 51PD ISO Guide 73:2009Private Security Industry Act 2001ANSI/ASIS PAP.1:2012BS 7499BS 10501BS EN 31010BS EN ISO 22313BS ISO 22301Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007Data Protection Act 1998Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974Fraud Act 2006Bribery Act 2010ISO 28000ISO/DTS 22318PAS 555PAS 1998All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.