This document specifies requirements and provides recommendations and guidance for the design,
construction, transportation, installation and decommissioning of offshore structures related to the
activities of the petroleum and natural gas industries in arctic and cold regions. Reference to arctic and
cold regions in this document is deemed to include both the Arctic and other locations characterized by
low ambient temperatures and the presence or possibility of sea ice, icebergs, icing conditions, persistent
snow cover, and/or permafrost.
The objective of this document is to ensure that complete structures, including substructures, topsides
structures, floating production vessel hulls, foundations and mooring systems, in arctic and cold regions
provide an appropriate level of reliability with respect to personnel safety, environmental protection and
asset value. Value includes value to the owner, to the industry and to society in general.Cross References:ISO 35101ISO 19901-2ISO 17776ISO 19901-6ISO 19901-4ISO 35102ISO 19902ISO 19901-1ISO 19901-7ISO 19901-8ISO/TS 35105ISO 19903ISO 35106ISO 19904-1ISO 19901-3ISO 35104ISO 19900:2013All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.