High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in air-Test method for determining leakage of filter elements. Scan method
BS EN ISO 29463-4:2018规定了“扫描法”的测试程序,该方法被视为确定滤芯泄漏的参考方法。它适用于ISO 35 H至ISO 75 U等级的过滤器。它还描述了其他标准方法,油螺纹泄漏试验(见附录A)和光度计泄漏试验(见附录B),适用于ISO 35 H至ISO 45 H等级HEPA过滤器,以及固体PSL气溶胶泄漏试验(见附录E)。它旨在与ISO 29463-1、ISO 29463-2、ISO 29463-3和ISO 29463-一起使用。交叉引用:ISO 29463-1:2011ISO 29463-5:2011ISO 29463-2:2011ISO 29463-3:2011ISO 5167-1ISO 29464EN 1822-1IST RP CC 001EN 1822-5EN 1822-2 IST RP CC 007EN 1822-3美国军事标准282ISO 14644-3IEST RP CC 02IEST RP CC 013IEST RP CC 034EN 1822-4购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订内容。
BS EN ISO 29463-4:2018 specifies the test procedure of the "scan method", considered to be the reference method, for determining the leakage of filter elements. It is applicable to filters ranging from classes ISO 35 H to ISO 75 U. It also describes the other normative methods, the oil thread leak test (see Annex A) and the photometer leak test (see Annex B), applicable to classes ISO 35 H to ISO 45 H HEPA filters, and the leak test with solid PSL aerosol (see Annex E). It is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 29463-1, ISO 29463-2, ISO 29463-3 and ISO 29463-.Cross References:ISO 29463-1:2011ISO 29463-5:2011ISO 29463-2:2011ISO 29463-3:2011ISO 5167-1ISO 29464EN 1822-1IEST RP CC 001EN 1822-5EN 1822-2IEST RP CC 007EN 1822-3US Military Standard 282ISO 14644-3IEST RP CC 021IEST RP CC 013IEST RP CC 034EN 1822-4All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.