This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Transport Layer specified by ITU-T Recommendations and ISO/IEC
International Standards. Specifics on how Transport Layer management is accomplished is beyond the scope of this
Recommendation | International Standard. Transport Layer management information is defined by specifying:
? the managed object class definition of Transport Layer Managed Objects following guidelines put
forth by the Structure of Management Information (ITU-T Recommendations X.720-X.724 and
ISO/IEC 10165);
? the relationship of the Managed Objects and attributes to both the operation of the layer and to other
objects and attributes of the layer; and
? the action type operations on the attributes of Transport Layer Managed Objects that are available to OSI
Systems Management.
Annexes D, E, F and G, which are integral parts of this Recommendation | International Standard, provide ICS
proformas associated with Transport Layer management information.