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现行 ISO/TS 18090-1:2015
Radiological protection — Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation — Part 1: Photon radiation 放射防护 - 参考脉冲辐射的特性 - 第1部分:光子辐射
发布日期: 2015-07-21
ISO/TS 18090-1:2015直接适用于脉冲持续时间为0.1 ms至10 s的脉冲X射线。这涵盖了出版时医学诊断中使用的整个范围。一些规范也适用于更短的脉冲;一个例子是一个脉冲的空气比释动能。例如,可以通过X射线闪光装置或高强度飞秒激光产生这样的脉冲。其他规格不适用于更短的脉冲;一个例子是空气比释动能率的时间依赖性行为。由于技术原因,这可能无法测量,因为没有合适的仪器可用,例如飞秒激光产生的脉冲。 ISO/TS 18090-1:2015针对辐射防护剂量计和剂量率计对脉冲辐射的响应,规定了校准和测试参考脉冲辐射的特性。 辐射特性包括: a) 脉冲空气比释动能率的时间依赖性行为; b) 脉冲期间X射线管高压的时间依赖性行为; c) 辐射束横截面积内空气比释动能率的均匀性; d) 一个辐射脉冲的空气比释动能; e) 辐射脉冲的空气比释动能率; f) 重复频率。 ISO/TS 18090-1:2015未定义新的辐射质量。相反,它使用现有ISO和IEC标准中规定的辐射质量。ISO/TS 18090的这一部分给出了脉冲辐射参数和连续辐射参数之间的联系,这些参数规定了辐射质量。它没有规定脉冲辐射场的特定值或一系列值,但仅规定了校准剂量计和剂量率计以及根据所述参数确定其响应所需的相关脉冲辐射参数的限值。 根据ISO 4037(所有部分),使用转换系数确定与模型相关量有关的脉冲参数。这是可能的,因为使用了现有ISO和IEC标准中规定的辐射质量。 给定的参考脉冲X射线设备的特征是参数范围,在此范围内,符合ISO/TS 18090本部分的全部规范和要求。因此,并非所有参考脉冲X射线设备都能产生涵盖相同参数范围的脉冲。
ISO/TS 18090-1:2015 is directly applicable to pulsed X-radiation with pulse duration of 0,1 ms up to 10 s. This covers the whole range used in medical diagnostics at the time of publication. Some specifications may also be applicable for much shorter pulses; one example is the air kerma of one pulse. Such a pulse may be produced, e.g. by X-ray flash units or high-intensity femtosecond-lasers. Other specifications are not applicable for much shorter pulses; one example is the time-dependent behaviour of the air kerma rate. This may not be measurable for technical reasons as no suitable instrument is available, e.g. for pulses produced by a femtosecond-laser. ISO/TS 18090-1:2015 specifies the characteristics of reference pulsed radiation for calibrating and testing radiation protection dosemeters and dose rate meters with respect to their response to pulsed radiation. The radiation characteristics includes the following: a) time-dependent behaviour of the air kerma rate of the pulse; b) time-dependent behaviour of the X-ray tube high voltage during the pulse; c) uniformity of the air kerma rate within a cross-sectional area of the radiation beam; d) air kerma of one radiation pulse; e) air kerma rate of the radiation pulse; f) repetition frequency. ISO/TS 18090-1:2015 does not define new radiation qualities. Instead, it uses those radiation qualities specified in existing ISO and IEC standards. This part of ISO/TS 18090 gives the link between the parameters for pulsed radiation and the parameters for continuous radiation specifying the radiation qualities. It does not specify specific values or series of values for the pulsed radiation field but specifies only those limits for the relevant pulsed radiation parameters that are required for calibrating dosemeters and dose rate meters and for determining their response depending on the said parameters. The pulse parameters with respect to the phantom-related quantities were determined using conversion coefficients according to ISO 4037 (all parts). This is possible as the radiation qualities specified in existing ISO and IEC standards are used. A given reference pulsed X-ray facility is characterized by the parameter ranges over which the full specifications and requirements according to this part of ISO/TS 18090 are met. Therefore, not all reference pulsed X-ray facilities can produce pulses covering the same parameter ranges.
归口单位: ISO/TC 85/SC 2
BS PD CEN ISO/TS 18090-1-2019
Radiological protection. Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation-Photon radiation
辐射防护 参考脉冲辐射特性
BS PD ISO/TS 18090-1-2015
Radiological protection. Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation-Photon radiation
辐射防护 参考脉冲辐射特性
DIN CEN ISO/TS 18090-1
Radiological protection - Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation - Part 1: Photon radiation (ISO/TS 18090-1:2015); German version CEN ISO/TS 18090-1:2019
辐射防护.参考脉冲辐射的特性.第1部分:光子辐射(ISO/TS 18090-1-2015);德国版CEN ISO/TS 18090-1:2019
BS EN ISO 4037-1-2021
Radiological protection. X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy-Radiation characteristics and production methods
辐射防护 用于校准剂量计和剂量率计并确定其作为光子能量函数的响应的X和γ参考辐射
ISO 4037-1-2019
Radiological protection — X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy — Part 1: Radiation characteristics and production methods
DIN EN ISO 4037-1
Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 1: Radiation characteristics and production methods (ISO 4037-1:2019); German version EN ISO 4037-1:2021
辐射防护.校准剂量计和剂量率计并确定其作为光子能量函数响应的X和γ参考辐射.第1部分:辐射特性和产生方法(ISO 4037-1-2019);德文版EN ISO 4037-1:2021