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现行 ASTM D3382-24
Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Energy and Integrated Charge Transfer Due to Partial Discharges (Corona) Using Bridge Techniques 使用桥梁技术测量部分放电(电晕)的能量和集成电荷转移的标准测试方法
发布日期: 2024-12-01
1.1 这些测试方法涵盖了用于测量脉冲和假辉光局部放电的能量和积分电荷的两种电桥技术: 1.2 试验方法A利用电容和损耗特性,如通过变压器比率臂电桥或高压Schering电桥测量的(试验方法 D150 ).已经发现测试方法A可用于从测量的电容和tan δ随电压的增加获得由于电介质中局部放电引起的积分电荷转移和能量损失。(另见IEEE 286和IEEE 1434) 1.3 测试方法B使用一种略有不同的桥式电路,称为电荷-电压-迹线(平行四边形)技术,该技术在示波器上直接指示积分电荷转移和由于局部放电引起的能量损失的大小。1.4 这两种试验方法旨在补充试验方法所涵盖的脉冲型局部放电的测量和检测 D1868 通过测量每个循环的脉冲放电和假辉光放电的电荷和能量之和。 1.5 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全性问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践并确定法规限制的适用性。 第节给出了具体的注意事项说明 7 . 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。======意义和用途====== 5.1 这些测试方法在用于评估绝缘材料和系统的研究和质量控制中是有用的,因为它们提供了由于局部放电引起的电荷转移和能量损失的测量 ( 4- 6 ) . 5.2 局部放电的脉冲测量值指示单个放电的幅度。然而,如果每个循环有许多放电,则有时重要的是知道它们的电荷总和,因为如果假设气腔是与固体电介质的电容串联的简单电容,则该总和与正在放电的内部气体空间的总体积有关 ( 7和 8 ) . 5.3 内部(空腔型)放电主要是具有快速上升时间的脉冲(火花型)或假辉光-具有长上升时间的类型,取决于腔内存在的放电控制参数。如果假辉光放电的上升时间过长,它们将逃避脉冲检测器的检测,如测试方法中所述 D1868 然而,无论其上升时间的长度如何,伪辉光放电以及无脉冲辉光都可以通过测试方法的方法A或B容易地测量 D3382 . 5.4 已经观察到假辉光放电发生在空气中,特别是当涉及部分导电表面时。这种部分导电表面有可能与暴露于局部放电足够长时间以积累酸性降解产物的聚合物一起形成。同样在一些应用中,如涡轮发电机,其中低分子量气体如氢气被用作冷却剂,可能会产生假辉光放电。
1.1 These test methods cover two bridge techniques for measuring the energy and integrated charge of pulse and pseudoglow partial discharges: 1.2 Test Method A makes use of capacitance and loss characteristics such as measured by the transformer ratio-arm bridge or the high-voltage Schering bridge (Test Methods D150 ). Test Method A has been found useful to obtain the integrated charge transfer and energy loss due to partial discharges in a dielectric from the measured increase in capacitance and tan δ with voltage. (See also IEEE 286 and IEEE 1434) 1.3 Test Method B makes use of a somewhat different bridge circuit, identified as a charge-voltage-trace (parallelogram) technique, which indicates directly on an oscilloscope the integrated charge transfer and the magnitude of the energy loss due to partial discharges. 1.4 Both test methods are intended to supplement the measurement and detection of pulse-type partial discharges as covered by Test Method D1868 , by measuring the sum of both pulse and pseudoglow discharges per cycle in terms of their charge and energy. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precaution statements are given in Section 7 . 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 These test methods are useful in research and quality control for evaluating insulating materials and systems since they provide for the measurement of charge transfer and energy loss due to partial discharges ( 4- 6 ) . 5.2 Pulse measurements of partial discharges indicate the magnitude of individual discharges. However, if there are numerous discharges per cycle it is occasionally important to know their charge sum, since this sum is related to the total volume of internal gas spaces that are discharging, if it is assumed that the gas cavities are simple capacitances in series with the capacitances of the solid dielectrics ( 7 and 8 ) . 5.3 Internal (cavity-type) discharges are mainly of the pulse (spark-type) with rapid rise times or the pseudoglow-type with long rise times, depending upon the discharge governing parameters existing within the cavity. If the rise times of the pseudoglow discharges are too long, they will evade detection by pulse detectors as covered in Test Method D1868 . However, both the pseudoglow discharges irrespective of the length of their rise time as well as pulseless glow are readily measured either by Method A or B of Test Methods D3382 . 5.4 Pseudoglow discharges have been observed to occur in air, particularly when a partially conducting surface is involved. It is possible that such partially conducting surfaces will develop with polymers that are exposed to partial discharges for sufficiently long periods to accumulate acidic degradation products. Also in some applications, like turbogenerators, where a low molecular weight gas such as hydrogen is used as a coolant, it is possible that pseudoglow discharges will develop.
归口单位: D09.12
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