Stationary source emissions — Manual and automatic determination of velocity and volume flow rate in ducts — Part 1: Manual reference method
固定源排放——风管Spart 1中速度和体积流率的手动和自动测定:手动参考法
ISO 16911-1:2013规定了定期测定排放管道和烟囱内气体轴向速度和体积流量的方法。适用于测量位置符合EN 15259要求的圆形或矩形管道。最小和最大风管尺寸取决于ISO 16911-1:2013中所述测量装置的实际考虑。
ISO 16911-1:2013要求所有流量测量具有可证明的国家或国际主要标准的计量溯源性。
要用作标准参考方法,用户需要证明该方法的性能特征等于或优于ISO 16911-1:2013中定义的性能标准,并确定和报告该方法的总体不确定度(以95%的置信度表示)。
ISO 16911-1:2013中定义的每种方法的结果在流速为20 m/s时具有不同的不确定度,不确定度范围在1%到10%之间。
根据CEN/TS 14793的原则,如果用户能够证明等效性,则可以使用进一步的方法。
ISO 16911-1:2013 specifies a method for periodic determination of the axial velocity and volume flow rate of gas within emissions ducts and stacks. It is applicable for use in circular or rectangular ducts with measurement locations meeting the requirements of EN 15259. Minimum and maximum duct sizes are driven by practical considerations of the measurement devices described within ISO 16911-1:2013.
ISO 16911-1:2013 requires all flow measurements to have demonstrable metrological traceability to national or international primary standards.
To be used as a standard reference method, the user is required to demonstrate that the performance characteristics of the method are equal to or better than the performance criteria defined in ISO 16911-1:2013 and that the overall uncertainty of the method, expressed with a level of confidence of 95 %, is determined and reported. The results for each method defined in ISO 16911-1:2013 have different uncertainties within a range of 1 % to 10 % at flow velocities of 20 m/s.
Methods further to these can be used provided that the user can demonstrate equivalence, based on the principles of CEN/TS 14793.