Scope: This part of IEC 61892 specifies additional characteristics for electrical installations in mobile units.
It applies to installations that depend on buoyancy, such as column-stabilized units (semi-submersible units), ship- or barge-type units as well as self-elevating units. It specifies additional characteristics for such units, used during transfer from one location to another and for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations without any limitation on voltage level. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning- environmental conditions,- limits of inclination for the unit where the equipment is required to operate,- bilge pumps,- navigation and obstruction lights,- steering gear,- ballast system,- jacking systems, and- anchoring systems.
For electric propulsion, reference is made to IEC 60092-501.
For dynamic positioning systems, reference is made to relevant IMO requirements.
This document does not apply to- fixed equipment for medical purposes,- electrical installations of tankers, and- control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
NOTE 1 For medical rooms, IEC 60364-7-710 provides specific requirements. Requirements for tankers are given in IEC 60092-502.
NOTE 2 Guidance on protection of non-electrical equipment can be found in ISO 80079-36, ISO 80079-37 and IMO 2009 MODU Code, 6.7.
NOTE 3 Attention is drawn to further requirements concerning electrical installations on such mobile offshore
units contained in the IMO MODU Code.Cross References:IEC 61892-2:2019IEC 60092-501:2013IEC 61892-6IEC 61892-3IEC 60034-1IEC 61892-1IEC 60364-7-710EN 14744ISO 80079-37ISO 80079-36IEC 60092-502IEC 60050All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.